Meta Question

Allie's avatar

Am I seeing this right? Has Facade made it to 10K!

Asked by Allie (17551points) January 2nd, 2010

That’s right people, this is for real. Our lovely and witty Facade has joined the 10K house. Let the party begin!

Congrats Facade!!!!!!!!!!!!! hugkisshug

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126 Answers

cyn's avatar

Happy 10K day!!!

absalom's avatar

Congratulations, Facade! :]

Likeradar's avatar

Happy 10k day! Congrats!

bhec10's avatar

and a Happy New Year!

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

The first 10K of the Decade! I think that deserves an award.

Congrats @Facade!

shrubbery's avatar

YEW! Liz. wow. what a gal. Love talking to you and listening to you and reading your lovely answers, you really are a super girl! Congrats on the 10K, it is well deserved :)

fireinthepriory's avatar

Congrats!! You certainly deserve it. :)

Dog's avatar


I am so making you a regal suite in the mansion! Totally plush and comfortable with spa and the works! Your view is of the ocean facing west so that you can watch the sunsets!


richardhenry's avatar

Ding ding!

Grisaille's avatar

Holy goodness. You said you’d bet me to 10K, Liz… and you did.

You’re awesome, Liz. We lurve you.

chyna's avatar

Yea Facade! You certainly tell it like it is and make no exceptions. I love reading your posts. Congrats and let the good times roll. Cake with ambien for all!

troubleinharlem's avatar

Congrats, Facade, for having the coolest hair and best answers today! :o

smashbox's avatar

I really do enjoy reading your comments. Congrats, and Happy New Year!

Chikipi's avatar

Yippie!!! Congratulations Facade. I look forward to reading more of your answers on Fluther

sndfreQ's avatar

Well done facade!

dpworkin's avatar

Too sexy for this quip
Too sexy for this quip
So sexy!

ChocolateReigns's avatar

Wow how many people have done that before?

ccrow's avatar


jonsblond's avatar

I wish I had the confidence that you do when I was your age. I love that you’re not afraid to speak your mind and stand for what you believe in. You are also funny as hell. You are great role model!

Congrats Facade! :D

jrpowell's avatar

The hottub is getting full. Toss her on asmo.

MissAusten's avatar

Wow, awesome!! Congrats Facade!!

J0E's avatar


jrpowell's avatar

@ChocolateReigns :: 68 other people. 6 have 20K

whatthefluther's avatar

It is jellies such as Facade that make fluther not only interesting and fun, but very special and downright enchanting. What timing! I’m checking in after being away for a bit, and can not think of a better question to see on arrival. GQ @Allie and Congratulations @Facade!
See ya…..Gary/wtf

Irishmar's avatar

Wow, that’s about how many hrs on this site? Cool

deni's avatar


toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Congrats! You’ve got great hair!

Jeruba's avatar

Bouquets and congratulations to you, @Facade, for this achievement. Despite your name, I see you as genuine and unpretentious. Thank you for bringing so much personality to fluther.

eLenaLicious's avatar

@toomuchcoffee911 agreed! Her hair is fabulooooous :D

buckyboy28's avatar


warribbons's avatar


Narl's avatar

Congrats! Much lurve to you!

janbb's avatar

Mazel Tov™, Facade. Way to go!

SuperMouse's avatar

Congratulations Facade!

ubersiren's avatar

Dang, you have to be quick around here to host a 10k party!

Facade, I’m so proud of you! You are one of the sweetest, most down to Earth gals on here! I love reading what you have to say. Have some champagne! Here’s to 10k more!

Ansible1's avatar

Keep it up Facade!! Congrats!!

breedmitch's avatar

Congrats! Well done.

dpworkin's avatar

you’ve done it this time @jewbb.

skfinkel's avatar

Congratulations! It seems like just yesterday…..

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Congratulations, Facade! I think you’re the best! You’ve a talented writer. Not to mention Fluther’s reigning esthetician and magician – you’ve made 5 years disappear from my face with your product recommendations.

Wishing good things for you for 2010.

rooeytoo's avatar

Yea Facade, way to go. (I can’t believe Allie posted this only an hour ago and I am 43 in line to congratulate you!)

Nonetheless, great job, good on ya and well done too!

cookieman's avatar

Those lips! That hair! Those tentacles! That is one hot jelly.

Much lurve darlin’.

Chikipi's avatar

Is Facade fashionably late for her own party?

We need the girl of the hour to make her appearance.

Facade, Facade, Facade-chant with me !

IBERnineD's avatar

How could such a lovely, hilarious, and beautiful lady not make 10K?? Facade you are amazing, congrats! :)

AstroChuck's avatar

Screaming yellow zonkers! Our little Lizzie has 10K?
Hip hip hurray!
CONGRATS! I knew you’‘d be here soon. The mansion has just gotten lovelier.

trailsillustrated's avatar

@Facade one of me favourite jellies

dpworkin's avatar

She’s crafting things!

Chikipi's avatar

Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray! Facade has made it to the party :)

janbb's avatar

@pdworkin Right back atjew!

cookieman's avatar

Facade shouldn’t “craft”...she should bedazzle!

holden's avatar

* C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! ! *

Darwin's avatar

Congratulations, @Facade! I knew you weren’t a false facade all this time, but the real Fluther thing!

Facade's avatar

Who me? lol This is so great, really =)
@cyndihugs Thank you!!
@absalom Thanks!
@bvdshec17 Happy new year to you too =)
@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities Woohoo!
@shrubbery Aww, Thanks hun
@fireinthepriory Thanks!
@Dog Awesome! How did you know I like sunsets :P
@richardhenry =D
@Grisaille I lurve you too!!
@chyna lmao@ambien cake haha Thanks, lady
@troubleinharlem Thanks!
@smashbox I’m glad you enjoy them =)
@Chikipi Thank you!!
@HumourMe That’s so cute lol, thanks =)
@sndfreQ Thank you!
@pdworkin Oh stop :P
@ChocolateReigns Lots and lots :)
@ccrow Thanks =)
@jonsblond That really means a lot. Thank you!
@johnpowell Hot tub!! =D
@MissAusten Thanks, lady!
@J0E Thank you!
@whatthefluther How sweet!
@Irishmar A lot, believe me lol :)
@deni thanks gurlfriend! haha
@toomuchcoffee911 @eLenaLicious Thanks y’all!
@Jeruba Thanks again :)
@buckyboy28 @warribbons @janbb @Narl @SuperMouse Thank you very much!
@ubersiren I’m proud that you’re proud lol =)
@Ansible1 Will do!
@eponymoushipster @breedmitch Thanks guys!
@skfinkel It was yesterday :P
@PandoraBoxx Really? Wow, that’s great! =D
@rooeytoo Thank you!!!
@cprevite Lol!! Thanks
My new friend @IBERnineD! Thanks girl!
@AstroChuck I don’t really like kids, but you’re all right :P Thanks man!
@holden Thank you very much =)
And Thanks @Darwin =)

This really does mean a lot to me y’all. Thank you a thousand TEN thousand times =) @Darwin‘s so clever :)

Darwin's avatar

Not 10,000 times?

dpworkin's avatar

Give her a break. It took her 2 hours to do it a thousand times.

Facade's avatar

@Allie I just noticed your topics haha! boobies…ha

CMaz's avatar

So good you made it! :-) Yesssssss!!!

casheroo's avatar

congrats, girl!

AstroChuck's avatar

I’m sorry, Facade. I wasn’t listening. Could you repeat all that again please?

syz's avatar

A meteoric rise! Congratulations!

LeotCol's avatar

Congratulations =] Some day if I’d like to think I’ll see you there in that club.

Facade's avatar

@casheroo Thank you!
@AstroChuck lol no, I cannot :|
Thanks @syz =)
@LeotCol Of course :)

jrpowell's avatar

We are pitching in money for a bigger hottub. Asmo is having trouble breathing.

SeventhSense's avatar

Congratulations and Best wishes for a Happy New Year. Apparently I’ve ruffled your feathers but I wish you only the best.

AstroChuck's avatar

Btw, I provide the bubbles for the hot tub.

knitfroggy's avatar

Congrats to you!!!

Facade's avatar

@SeventhSense Thank you kindly :)
Thanks @knitfroggy!

Judi's avatar

We’ve set aside a roomwith a balcony overlooking the beach is that alright? The sunsets are to die for. Hope you like it! Welcome to the mansion and congrats!! The place is really gonna start hoppin now!

Facade's avatar

Judi!! That’s perfect =)

syz's avatar

Note to self: no sharing a hot tub with AC.

peedub's avatar

Eff to the A cee A dee ee…Congrats!

MissAnthrope's avatar

Congrats!! :)

avvooooooo's avatar


gymnastchick729's avatar

congrats!!! im still workin for 1K!! nice achievement

tinyfaery's avatar

Congrats to you @Facade. Your posts always seem so honest. I always know I can take what you say at face value. Yay!

aprilsimnel's avatar

Fantastic, @Facade! Congratulations and welcome to the 10K Villa!

mammal's avatar

i’d particularly like to congratulate her for her even temperament, good nature and last but by no means least, her consistent sexiness.

augustlan's avatar

Congratulations, Facade!

cookieman's avatar

…and have you seen her skin?Such beautiful skin.

She must moisturize.

_Liliya_'s avatar

@Facade I don’t know you but congratulations anyway! :) Thats a big number! You must be a very exemplary flutherite to achieve that number :) Way to go!

EmpressPixie's avatar

I’m so late to this party, but congratulations, Facade!!

janbb's avatar

Uh oh – last time @petethepothead was crafting, it took all day. Excuse me, while I go make my sandwiches….

arnbev959's avatar

Congrats Facade!

@cprevite: Have you heard her voice? It’s like honey.

@janbb: That’s the trouble with having too many tabs open. I start writing a response, then check something in another tab, then do some other stuff, and completely forget about my Fluther answer. And then I go off to make a sandwich, and it isn’t until later that I come back to the computer.

janbb's avatar

@petethepothead Thanks for the explication. Inquiring minds wanted to know. You had me hanging on a thread all day yesterday.:-)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Hey, congrats!
you and go way back to
glad you’re around here as well
thanks for trusting me with some of the things you’ve shared over pms

Facade's avatar

@peedub @MissAnthrope @avvooooooo @gymnastchick729 Thank you!! =)
@tinyfaery Thanks! I try to stay honest
@aprilsimnel Thanks lady! I’m loving this balcony :)
@mammal An even temperament is easy to fake over the net, but thank you nonetheless :)
Thanks again @augustlan!
@cprevite It’s weird I was just thinking the opposite lol I suppose I should go comment in @daloon’s latest thread…
Thank you @Liliya ;)
Thanks EmpressPixie
@petethepothead Thanks I’d blush if I could :P
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Thank you, and I know a good, trustworthy, and wise person when I see one ;)

mangeons's avatar

Congrats, congrats! See, I knew you’d make it soon! ;)

Congratulations a thousand ten thousand times, and congratulations once again! You are definitely deserving, you should occupy the princess suite in the 10k mansion. ;)

Facade's avatar

@mangeons Thanks girly! =)

Bluefreedom's avatar

Congratulations on 10k @Facade! Most excellent and welcome to the club! =)

Facade's avatar

Thank you very much!
Have you heard of the Blue Angels?

Cupcake's avatar

Yay @Facade! You are worthy of all of this praise and more! Congrats!

Facade's avatar

@Cupcake Thank you!! ..Can I eat you? I mean, it is a party :)

Bluefreedom's avatar

@Facade. You’re very welcome and yes, I do know about the Blue Angels and I’ve seen them perform too. They are excellent and just as good as the USAF Thunderbirds.

Facade's avatar

Cool :)

cookieman's avatar

@petethepothead: No, I have not heard her voice.

@Facade: Could you read me the phonebook please?

wildpotato's avatar

Hooray for Facade! Glad you’re here; I always read your answers and grin at the late-night Ambien posts. Congratulations!

Facade's avatar

@cprevite Sure thing :P
@wildpotato Glad I could make you smile!

jlm11f's avatar

Oh noooo. I am 18 hours late :(. CONGRATULATIONS LIZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you are feeling healthy on your special day haha. I’m always worried you’ll swallow some expired medicine or something! You’re a simple girl and I like that. Tons of food and tv for you today. Hope the moving is going smoothly too =).

Facade's avatar

@PnL Lol! I’m getting my life together Which includes throwing out expired pills and being healthy :P And my move is happening tomorrow! I’m pretty sure this [thread] is the icing on the cake! butter-creme icing please =)

mangeons's avatar

@Facade We’re all out of buttercream! Are you going to force us to run out to the store, or will you settle for cream cheese icing? ;)

Facade's avatar

@mangeons Aww, I guess cream cheese is ok :P

KatawaGrey's avatar

Oh, happy 10k, @Facade! I remember when you were a fledgling jelly. It’s so great to se you at 10k!

Jude's avatar

I adore this lady!

I’ve been away for 4 days and come back to this; what a pleasant surprise. :)

Gorgeous, intelligent, genuine and wise beyond her years. She’s not afraid to speak her mind, has a wicked sense of humor and this lady.. she’s going somewhere.

Congratulations, baby!!!


Facade's avatar

Jen!! Thank you for the kind words =) I really appreciate it, especially coming from someone I admire!

mattbrowne's avatar

A bit late but here’s my yabba dabba doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ! Well done !

janbb's avatar

@mattbrowne How does that translate from the German?

zephyr826's avatar

Hoorah for Facade! also way late, but I couldn’t let this go by without adding my congratulations.

stratman37's avatar

Everyone chant with me: “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”, “Fa CADE”,

Cartman's avatar

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your answers always make interesting reading.

dalepetrie's avatar

Better late than never I always say. I go out of town for a few days and I am welcomed back with a new smiling face in the 10k clubhouse. Congratulations on your ascent and we’ll be seeing you at 20 in no time!

filmfann's avatar

Late to the party!
Congrats on the big 10k! It really IS a big thing!
are there any pancakes left?

rangerr's avatar

State buddy!
One of my favorite jellies.
I wish I was black for a day.


mattbrowne's avatar

@janbb – Ein bisschen spät, aber hier ist mein jabba dabba duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Gut gemacht !

janbb's avatar

@mattbrowne Gut on ya fur das!

mammal's avatar

@Facade perhaps i’ll add honesty to your list of attributes not to mention beauty x

forestGeek's avatar

Not sure how I missed this, I must have had my head up my…anyhow a big congrats on the 10k and a cheers to the next!

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