Who do you mean when you say the right to life?
Life, in a Global sense, is seldom a matter of right or wrong individual choices, because the mix depends on a myriad of differring perspectives, it is more about getting the total balance right!
A large part of the balance now, as distinct from a 100 or 200 years ago, is arriving at a real, sustainable carrying capacity of the planet, for the human species.
Regrettably, it is likely that we have already exceeded the numbers where our only planet has the capacity to sustain the current numbers, in the manner we are accustomed to, for any length of time, let alone any long term expansion of the existing numbers.
Why that is the case, is perhaps a matter for another discussed, but a good place to start any such discussion would be that future production/supplies of Energy & Food are guaranteed to decline, over the short to medium term.
That said, a continuation of the existing Fertility rate reductions, particularly in some parts of the world, would ensure a Decline in total Global population starts within 20–30 years, without the necessity for any forcible abortions.
So, providing politicians don’t go for another baby boom (just to get re-elected), to offset the inevitable economic decline, due to the Aging Global Population and the reducing Growth rate of the Total global population, then everything may work out ok?
However, what I meant by my comment -
“In terms of basic human rights, it does get complicated, because if we didn’tt stop the exponential growth, then we would most certainly take away one of the most basic of those rights, from Billions of people, that being the right to life!”
is that, if we don’t choose wisely and we continue to Grow the human Population, beyond the planets capcity to sustain us via our Energy, Food & other needs, then we will consumme ourselves out of existence and into extinction.
In that manner, the “right” to new life may finally be at the cost of Billions of existing lives, if the right to balance can not be achieved!
My choice would be to achieve the right balance naturally, but if that does not make the needed balance & reductions, as required, then we could need to restrict families to two babies, not the 5 or 10, which still happens.
As indicated, I am happy for the balance to be sought by means of “self determination”, but if “self determination” means the extinction of the human species, then some of “our rights”, may need to be scaled back!