choosing who is it games…
ip dip do the cats got the flu the dogs got chicken pox and out goes you!
ip dip dog **** you are not it.
ickle ockle chocholate bottle ickle ockle out
clapping games…
Down by the river goes hanky panky 2 fat frogs sat backy to backy, zoom zah, zoom zah down by the river goes your girl
( all sit in circle hands over lapping, pass the slap of hand on round cirle when get to your girl last person to smack hand of next person has to hit them or they are out!)
When susie was a baby a baby susie was.. she went wah wah wah wah wah
when susie was a toddler a toddler susie was she went gaga gaga gagaga gaga gaga
can remember the rest but can’t be bothered typing it! may do later if a get the urge!
jump rope games
Racing car number nine losing petrol all the time, who many gallons did it lose? (keep skipping on big jump rump till out!)
England Ireland Scotland Wales, inside outside, Donkeys tails!
General game
(one person skips towards group of friends singing…There game a duke a riding, riding ,riding, there came a duke a riding, rancy tancy tiddly toes!
Friends in a line… What you riding here for here for here for, what you riding here for rancy tancy tiddly toes!
1 person… I’m riding here to marry to marry to marry I’, riding here to marry rancy tancy tiddly toes!
friends…Who you gonna marry marry marry who ya gonna marry, rancy tancy tddly toes!
1 person… (chooses a description of a friend .. blue socks or blonde hair etc…
I think his/her name is blue socks blue socks blue socks I think her name is blue socks rancy tancy tiddly toes.
others… who the heck is blue socks etc…
1 person… Ithink their name is… says name (that person joins their team!)
has a tune but can’t sing it to you virtually!!
ps sorry about any spelling mistakes its late and my daughter wants to use the comp so typing too fast!