Meta Question
![Zen_Again's avatar](
What I especially love about fluther - and have come to take for granted already. Do you feel this way, too? Details inside.
The longer I’m here, the more it happens, and the more I take this for granted. So I have decided to pause and reflect, take “stock” so to speak with this new decade, and put pen to paper here, posing this question, which is basically just a reflection (Jeruba and other editors are going crazy at that run-off sentence but I don’t care): On what other social website can you have a war with someone, literally no holds barred fight, cursing and swearing – well almost, you’ll be modded if it’s in a thread – and then out of the blue, the person will write a lovely message in another thread, as if you’d just made up and the U.N. had intervened, prevailed and you were now on kissing-cousin terms?
Where else?
On, which was un-moderated, you “unfriended” – a la facebook, someone you had a spat with – and unmodded spats can be nasty – as you can imagine.
In other places, you’d just keep fighting every time you “met” the other person you’d just fought with – getting that unsettling feeling once again – if you know what I mean… even before anything was said.
Here it’s very special, I think. You read a question, you feel like answering it. Period.
I’ll answer something from someone I completely disagreed with two minutes earlier – in the most personal or important of topics to me, yet turn around and completely agree with him in something else, having a long and meaningful discourse with him about another topic.
Someone once said to me, in a thread, probably the most intimate and personal of attacks allowed here, and it was left unmodded. He said “I really don’t like you.”
Was I offended? Of course. Did I want to see his nickname in my threads and elsewhere? Of course not.
But the next day, in another thread, I find myself GA-ing him, or giving his question a GQ – or even getting into a “conversation” or “argument” in a thread with him about something else entirely.
This is unique to fluther, and reflects the originality, wisdom but especially the vision and philosophy behind Ben and Andrew’s Fluther.
Do you know what I mean? Have I written this clearly or have I just written meaningless dribble – which I do from time to time?
What has your experience been like in this regard?