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What do do about a shy guy?
A guy I really admire is quite reserved – painfully reserved. It seems odd to me because he is a fantastic (and aggressive) athlete and is known for his excellent character.
We are aware of each other, but neither of us has really made a move. He has attempted to have a serious talk with me before, but blushed and lost his nerve. When around him, I feel awkward – he gets bashful so easily.
I feel he is a really good catch – smart, attractive, fun, good reputation, good habits…one of the few guys my age that happens to be taller than me. He is also one of the few people I can have a deeper, intellectual discussion with (that is, when he’s not blushing and stuttering).
To make the the situation more difficult, he has about four other girls chasing him, so its hard to find time alone. Also, I have a dominate personality so its tempting make the move (even though my gut instinct says that would be disastrous).
What do do, oh what to do?
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