Meta Question

My girlfriend just broke up with me, what should I do?
We’ve only dated for about 2 months. I’m 25 years old, and she’s 23 years old. Maybe it sounds dumb to say it to some, but we were in love, despite the short distance the relationship went.
She’s always had this problem, where she would date complete losers (with me being an exception of course, haha). Her last boyfriend, was a waste of life, had nothing going for him, does drugs, is I think 27 or 28, treated her like shit, forced her to go through couples therapy, is lazy, and probably so much more.
I’ve always been a laid back guy, and naturally conversations about ex’s were something that didn’t bother me in the least. But one day, she told me she was still in love with this guy… and I was just shocked that someone could still be in love with this guy. They had been broken up for about 8 months or so I think. I mean, this guy would pee in a cup near his bed because he didn’t want to get up to go to the bathroom!!
I can’t stand the thought of her actually considering to get back together with this guy. He’d come out of nowhere and tell her he still loves her sometimes, but she would say, he’s no good for me, I just need to move on…
Well last night before going to sleep, she tells me she is clinically depressed, and doesn’t want to go through therapy while in a relationship (the therapy for her ex boyfriend I assume). I tell her how much I care about her, and how I can help, and I want to help, but alas, she was determined to see through her plans to breakup with me.
My thoughts are filled with hate for this ex boyfriend of hers, for filling her head with BS that just spews from his existence. I should hope he never meets me. And for my now ex girlfriend, I can’t believe the decision she’s made…
What words of advice can you share, or is there something I can do to get back to normal?