To the strippers on fluther, current and former, how do you feel about this profession?
I, like many people, have thought that being a stripper was a demeaning job and something that a woman (or a man) would only do if she/he had no other choice. I’ve been thinking lately and, truly, I don’t think it’s any less demeaning than any other job. Sure, it has the possibility to be demeaning, if you are forced into it and don’t really want to do it, then, sure, I can see how it’s demeaning. The same, however, can be said of damn near any job. If you’re a lawyer, and you hate it, you feel shitty and slimy every time you go into work. If you’re a grocer, and you hate it, you feel low and awful every time you go into work.
So, for you strippers out there, past or present, I have a few questions for you.
1. What made you decide to go into this line of work?
2. Do you tell people what you do/did? If so, do you use euphemisms or say something like, “I work in a bar,” or “I’m an entertainer,”?
3. Do you love it or do you think of it just another job?
4. How do you deal with the reactions of people who do not like what you do?
Thanks for answering these questions. I also welcome the input of anyone who wants to be a stripper or knows a stripper. As always, I welcome any input from any member of the collective.
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21 Answers
5. Follow-on Q: Just how big is the stripper community in Fluther, anyway?
I also welcome all kinds of input (and photographic evidence) from the female strippers.
@CyanoticWasp: Yeah, not sure how many takers this’ll get but I’m hoping someone will answer.
To everyone else, how do you respond to reactions like @CyanoticWasp‘s as well?
I love it – but then, I am only a virtual stripper. That is, I strip for fluther only. My web-cam is on now, if anyone wants to see my show.
Edit: @cyanotic – that made me chuckle.
@Stripper person – GQ – this is an edit so I don’t recall your nickname, and cannot @.
Edit: Song for watching my show is here
Don’t tempt me, @Zen_Again, I am no longer a single woman. ;)
You have to enter the Champagne Chat-Room to ask this question !!
Interesting question. Although, just ‘cause she dances go-go, that don’t make her a hoe, no.
I like this Q. I hope it gets some serious answers.
I worked at a club in Las Vegas in 1989 for two short months. I was right out of high school, very naive and over 1000 miles from home. I needed the money.
It wasn’t a strip club. There were no dancers dancing around on a stage. The club had a lounge with many private rooms that had curtains for “privacy”. The men would buy a room for the exaggerated price of a non-alcoholic bottle of champaign. The girls would dance for the men in the private rooms and the men were not allowed to touch the women, but they did receive a nice hand towel to wipe with. yuck
I saw some very degrading and nasty shit and the women were treated terribly. This is why I left after several weeks of work. It just wasn’t me.
It may be different at nice, clean strip clubs…lol.
I don’t like to tell people of these two months out of my life. My dad knows, that hard enough for me to deal with.
@KatawaGrey Sorry – I didn’t realize you had written it cuz of the edit. :-)
P.s. Anytime, baby.
* sits and waits for the intolerant, ignorant schmucks to show up, swinging their cock of self-importance about *
@Zen_Again Love your booty shakin’ musaq. So, you leave your hat on your head, or, on your…head?
@jonsblond: Thank you for sharing that experience with us. I’m sorry you had such a terrible experience and I hope you are at peace with it and gained some valuable life experience from it. I certainly love you as the jelly you have turned out to be and you would not be that jelly without those two months.
Hey,I’m not a stripper but I play one on TV !!!
@KatawaGrey Do you have any idea of the conditions strippers work under and how they get paid? That is where the demeaning comes in, not necessarily in the fact they are naked. The dancers in Vegas reviews dance virtually nude but they are employees, protected by labor laws. Strippers are not paid employees and in fact often have to pay club owners for stage time. When they are not able to earn enough money, they are often pressured into other activities including prostitution. Very often they are undereducated young women who are lured by promises of $1,000/wk which after paying kickbacks ends up to little more than minimum wage in my city.
The men who patronize strip clubs are demeaning themselves as they fantasize relationships.not business transactions.
This is the blog of a stripper that I occasionally check. She’s pretty down-to-earth and real about the whole thing. Including her FAQ. :)
She has interesting, sad, and funny stories, too.
Barely think about it. ;-)
@galileogirl: Please lose the patronizing tone. The reason why I asked the question is because I don’t know anything about strippers or their working conditions. That’s why I appreciate answers like @jonsblond‘s because she had experience.
@laureth: That looks interesting, I’ll check it out when I’m about to rush out the door. :)
I stripped when I was a kid (20). I did it because I needed the money. It was alot of fun, I met some shmuckey people, evil girls, and also some really nice, cool, people from every walk of life. At the time I was so young, I did not know how to handle the money, was very silly with it. My friends knew, I told people, no one had a problem with it. I had some experiences that were amazing especially for a young kid. It seemed like any other job to me, you had to be careful when you left the club when it closed. Sometimes guys would masturbate at the stage but they would get thrown out. There was alot of drugs around. It was a wild life and if my daughter did it I would be worried to death, but it’s also a way to make a great deal of money with no particular skills.
Milo here; I like to strip and prance around naked for everyone. However getting the gloves off my paws is a problem
Good question for stripper fishing. :-)
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