Fox defunct show Average Joe exposed a hypocrisy did it not?
Fox network Average Joe (now defunct) exposed a hypocrisy didn’t it? The Average Joe was like the Bachelorette on beige you had this hot ex-cheerleader type being courted by a horde of average guys like those you’d see at the supermarket. As per usual they have a meet and greet mixer before the 1st cut. These girls in their interview portion say they want to meet a guy, someone who has a good personality, makes them laugh etc, etc, but when the 1st cut happens all the fatties go back on the bus or get thrown under it. The rest of the Joes are left to battle it out for the hand of the fair maiden. Then the twist came, after the Joes are heavily into battling each other in come the young hunks, those who looked like they were in GQ magazine and built like Olympic athletes. When it gets to the end even though the Joe was usually better off career wise and financially; and surely more devoted than the hunk, he never got the girl. So these girls and many more across America that say it is personality and not just hotness that they choose who to date etc, when the fat hits the skillet they want a hunk even if he mathematically don’t stack up even or better than the average Joe is basically a lie, a hypocrisy, right? Or do you have a better theory to say it isn’t so? I would love to hear your thought.
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8 Answers
Well, you can’t make the generalization that all women are like that though.
I could honestly say the same for men.
You don’t think an Average Josephine would have the same outcome?
Both males and females can make the claim that personality is what’s important, but in reality you know they care about looks probably just as much. Not everyone, but many.
Humans are animals after all. They can talk all day long about how it is personality that is important to them, but once they have to choose, the internal reproductive selector kicks in: take the one with the best genes. And let us face it, that is assessed based on looks alone.
Humans are animals.
@Vunessuh No all women are not that shallow but it illustrate that in general it is very hard to over come looks with mere wit, charm etc. I know guys (most I have been around anyhow) they are shallow, and not afraid to admit it. If it were just a gal to boink for the night and hope she lose your number in the morning they want go hook up with one of the top 10% hottest chics at the bar/club. However, when the supply of women goes down or the duration between the present and the last woman is great or growing they would boink a gal who looked like Chewbacca as oppose to handling it solo with a bottle of lotion. When we were at a BBQ they never said “wow, look at the charm on that girl over by the hot dogs!”, it was usually something else.
The only question I have is why anyone would actually take a TV show that provides revenue to the owners at face value, rather than see it as the Fictional Entertainment it really is. Those people are actors, and get paid for their performance.
If what you say were true in the ‘real’ world, the only married people in the country would be the ones that resemble the TV show, and we only have to go to any supermarket in town to see that’s not the case.
Hello? Television? Scripted that way? Defunct because no one watched?
Seriously, though. The Discovery Channel did a show on the Science of Sex Appeal. The whole series is available online, and worth watching. One segment is on how people want to attract as an attractive a person as they possibly can. That’s not to say that they will be happy with that person in real life.
Science of Sex Appeal series
The Dating and Mating Pool segment
Looks and personality both matter but personality matters more, to me in that if you’re hot and stupid, you’ve got no chance but if you’re intelligent and ugly, you do.
Looks matter. I doubt there’s anyone who would say physical attraction isn’t important.
@YARNLADY gave a great answer. Also, these women are the types who would go on TV seeking a romantic partner. They’re not representative of most women.
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