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Fox defunct show Average Joe exposed a hypocrisy did it not?
Fox network Average Joe (now defunct) exposed a hypocrisy didn’t it? The Average Joe was like the Bachelorette on beige you had this hot ex-cheerleader type being courted by a horde of average guys like those you’d see at the supermarket. As per usual they have a meet and greet mixer before the 1st cut. These girls in their interview portion say they want to meet a guy, someone who has a good personality, makes them laugh etc, etc, but when the 1st cut happens all the fatties go back on the bus or get thrown under it. The rest of the Joes are left to battle it out for the hand of the fair maiden. Then the twist came, after the Joes are heavily into battling each other in come the young hunks, those who looked like they were in GQ magazine and built like Olympic athletes. When it gets to the end even though the Joe was usually better off career wise and financially; and surely more devoted than the hunk, he never got the girl. So these girls and many more across America that say it is personality and not just hotness that they choose who to date etc, when the fat hits the skillet they want a hunk even if he mathematically don’t stack up even or better than the average Joe is basically a lie, a hypocrisy, right? Or do you have a better theory to say it isn’t so? I would love to hear your thought.
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