Social Question

How far would you go for the person you loved the most?
Here is a hypothetical situation:
Say the person whom you loved the most in the whole world was walking down the street absentmindedly. You are a few hundred feet behind them but you notice them walking toward a large pit. Large enough that they would die if they fell into it. You start screaming at them to turn around. They don’t here because they have headphones in. They’ve walked by multiple signs warning them, but they are engrossed in a newspaper. You finally scream so load they hear you over their music, but they just turn up the music louder so they don’t here you any more, thinking you were not calling for them.
Now comes the question. How far would you go to stop them from falling into the pit and dying? Would you say: “Oh, I tried to warn them, they ignored the signs. Its their own fault now”
I know I would do everything in my power to stop them. I would run as fast as I ever had in my life. I would scream as loud as I ever had. I would stop at nothing, I would do everything in my power to save their life. Then, if it was in my power after I saved them, I would fill in the hole so no one else would fall into it. This, I suspect, would be the answer of most people.
The begs the question of course, why does God not do the same? He supposedly loves us more than we could even imagine, yet he sits idly by while many people fall into the hole he has the power to fill. Oh, he may throw a sign or two our way, but nothing that can’t be explained by chance or coincidence, and surely he must realize this.
This is a serious question for those of you who believe in an all loving and all powerful god. I was born and raised Catholic, and when I thought of this I had to reject my faith, and now I call my self atheist. Please, if you are still religious after reading this, explain to me your reasoning.