Social Question

Bugabear's avatar

What's so complicated about Google Wave.

Asked by Bugabear (1717points) January 5th, 2010

I recently got an invite from one of my friends and have been using Google Wave for a while now and I haven’t found the complicated part that everyone keeps talking about. Yet 63% of people think that Google wave is more complicated than Hearts of Iron. So am I missing something?

From what I’m doing it seems to be a combination of Email and IM with Google in real time.

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6 Answers

iphigeneia's avatar

The most complicated thing for me has been getting my friends to use it. “You invited me, let’s Wave!”

Just wait until it gets released to everybody, it might take a year to take off but it will.

DeanV's avatar

I don’t consider it complicated. If I had not used gmail or google docs before I may find it confusing, but if you’re comfortable with the 2 it’s really just a little step above that.

phoenyx's avatar

We have a wave going at work that has 30+ people in it. It is a mess.

Narl's avatar

I have a wave account and I find it confusing… but I think it’s because I don’t know ONE other person in wave. So I’m just out there, waving with strangersn

Beta_Orionis's avatar

It’s not complicated.

ModernEpicurian's avatar

I’m just sitting alone in my wave desperately wanting someone to invite me! I’ve applied for an invite from Google but to no avail. Not fun.

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