If you know somebody that believes she is telekenetic and you don't believe so, what do you say to them?
my cousin believes in telekinesis and i actually happen to believe in it also… i just don’t think she has the ability to “move an object” persay.
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30 Answers
Have you asked her to prove it to you?
As long as he doesn’t believe he as the power to fly, there’s no harm in it. I’d just humor them.
I don’t know, what do you say
I don’t believe either of you are telekinetic.
You don’t have to say anything. Just look her straight in the eye until her head explodes.
You say put up or shut up.
“Show me” seems to get right to the point.
Simone De Beauvoir… i didnt actually say i WAS telekinetic… i believe there is such a thing…
I always ask her to show me but she always puts it off.
I think belief in telekinesis is about as warranted as a belief in god: it has about the same amount of evidence supporting it, and believers often use similar arguments. I would just let her be, and if she keeps insisting she has it, ask her to prove it. Obviously, if it means that much to her, she would be willing to do it on the spot or provide, at the very least, a good reason not to.
@hungertoragejr okay let’s review – you believe it exists but you don’t think your cousin has what it takes? what would you want as proof? as for that…I’m still wondering why you believe it exists…
Tell her you’re a hippopotamus and when she asks you to prove it to her, just put it off
@hungertoragejr what exactly is your point? We’re responding to your original question, not the basis of your beliefs.
@hungertoragejr and how do you know they have it? ask for same evidence with said cousin
@LocoLuke my point is that my cousin thinks she is telekinetic… she is young and i dont think it is possible for her to do it. I’m asking what I should say to her without hurting her feelings… letting her know that i dont think she has the ability.
Sounds like she’s messing with you.
You can ask her to prove it. You can also just let her believe that she is.
What’s the old Steven Wright line?
“All of you who believe in telekenesis, raise my hand.”
I would say, “Hey, I have these 12 really heavy boxes to move. Come over here and help me out with those telekinetic powers of yours.”
“Prove it”; though if you’re trying to do it with tact, maybe just ask her about it and give her a doubtful look when she gives you examples with something like “well, maaaaybe that’s possible, but I’d have to see it to believe it” or “hmmm idk, maybe if you could show me”.
I’d say nothing.
It’s not really my concern…she can believe what she wants.
Explain that there simply isn’t enough energy in the average living space to allow for telekinesis, whatever the mechanism.
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