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kevbo's avatar

You have a $100 Apple gift card. What do you buy?

Asked by kevbo (25680points) January 5th, 2010

Trying to figure out what to do with my Christmas present. I have a last gen Core 2 Duo MacBook and an iPhone 3GS if that helps. Fire away.

I can go over $100 (say up to $150) if need be.

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19 Answers

jrpowell's avatar

Can you still get AppleCare for either? It isn’t sexy but it will save your ass.

eponymoushipster's avatar

Magic Mouse
AppleCare (if it’s less than one year since purchase for either)

also, keep in mind that if the card has under $20 on it, you can get them to turn it around into cash.

filmfann's avatar

Their stock.

AstroChuck's avatar

A shitload of Granny Smiths?

The Apple store sells lots of accessories under $100.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@filmfann the stocks currently at $214/share. wouldnt work.

filmfann's avatar

Damn. I should have bought it when it was $10. I considered it.

Sarcasm's avatar

What do I buy? I find someone trustworthy and buy $100 worth of dollar bills from them with my gift card and then I buy something I want.
That’s probably not helpful to you though.

sndfreQ's avatar

Magic Mouse and new Aluminum remote

jrpowell's avatar

Do you have a external drive for back-ups? I have this and it works great with Time Machine. It is also in the not sexy but will save your ass camp.

kevbo's avatar

@Sarcasm, like a lap dance? ;-)

jaytkay's avatar

I use an Airport Express to play iTunes music and Internet radio on my stereo.

Highly recommended!

cookieman's avatar

External Hard Drive
for back ups

MobileMe Subscription
Great for synching all your stuff instantly between computer and iPhone

AppleCare Protection
What @johnpowell said

Austinlad's avatar

I’d buy an iMac. All I’d need is 14 more Benjamins.

OnaBoat's avatar

I agree with @jaytkay – You can get the Airport Express and use it to play music wirelessly from your computer (but ONLY via iTunes) to your full stereo. It’s awesome, and the Airport Express is $99.

MobileMe is also a great service if you have an iPhone, but I find I use it only for the wireless syncing of contacts and calendar. At $99/yr, it’s a little steep for that, and there are ways to do the same through Gmail for free.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@OnaBoat one of the great features of MobileMe, aside from the syncing and iDisk, is the“Find My iPhone” feature, should it get lost or stolen. Also, “Back to My Mac”. And, if you have a Time Capsule for backup, you can use MobileMe to step thru to your Time Capsule on any machine that runs Leopard/Snow Leopard and pull files from your backups.

OnaBoat's avatar

@eponymoushipster Great point on the “Find My iPhone” feature. I forgot about that. That feature launched after I signed up.

I didn’t know about the Time Capsule integration. Thanks for the heads up!

eponymoushipster's avatar

@OnaBoat go into your Airport Utility program, and enter your MM info in the Settings tab.

sndfreQ's avatar

@OnaBoat have you ever heard of Airfoil? It’s an app by a company called RogueAmoeba that allows you to stream any audio from any app (including the main system audio output) to any source on your network (Airport Express and even to other computers on your network). You can check it out at

kevbo's avatar

The big reveal…

I decided to buy a laptop stand and a full size keyboard which came out to $105. Hooray!

@johnpowell, I have an Acomdata 320 GB backup drive, which I still need to configure for 10.6/Time Machine/SuperDuper. Best laid plans, but this is a good reminder.

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