Dog lovers: do you discover something new about your dog everyday - like you would with a new baby? Does it seem the same, almost, like having another person in the house?
I do.
I’m a new dog owner – she’s almost a year old now and I’ve had her for 10 months. I learn something new about her, and with her, almost everyday. My kids are grown, and it’s like having a little child/friend around. Smart as a whip she be.
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18 Answers
Yes! She does something new and cute every day. The snow has been really fun for her and she acts like a little kid playing in it.
Oh…Zen Again…..!
Yeeeesssssssss….. I love my dog and she’s ancient and she still is cute and I still love her to bits and yes….it is like having another baby…and another person in the house. This is my child. I even make special food for her. She travels in the car and is super intelligent.
She lets you know when she needs to go out…..and honestly, I think she just telepathically lets me know things. I talk to her all the time…and I know she understands..:)
If you think you are nuts about your dog now….wait a few years…you will feel even closer.
Thanks for asking this question…........! And good luck with your new family member!
Yes. I really enjoy having my little Cappuccina around. The more time I spend with her, the more gorgeous I think she is. Plus, she learns fast, she’s excited to greet people and I feel more and more everyday that she is giving me her trust (like letting my pick her up, rub her belly, etc). When I tell we are going out, she lets out a low groan/moan to let me know how badly she wants to get outside.
It’s like having a little, eager-to-please child around.
We love our puppy!!! She is fun and so sweet. She does keep us up at night and chew on everything in sight but she loves to cuddle…Our kids are older teens and they give her a lot of attention (not to mention food). In the mornings she hates it when anyone is sleeping and will sit outside their room and cry until they wake up. It is always nice knowing she will be there when I get home anxious to see me….
My dog is older now, but living with him is a lot like having a little kid in the house. He is HUGE and very rambunctious and expressive. He wrinkles his forehead and looks worried/ perplexed sometimes, and when I leave he puts his nose between the curtains in the front window and stands there looking all wrinkly. It’s fun/ exasperating when he gets the zoomies and knocks stuff over. I think if he were a person, he would be like one of Will Ferrell’s man-child characters.
Having dogs is like the best part of having children. We love all of our dogs, from the 17 yo matriarch down to the giant 2 yo “puppy” (120 pounds).
I have my daughter’s dog. He’s a little bichon/poodle and smarter than the average bear! And he is so much company, personality to spare. I discovered today that he thinks floor exercising is a game for him.
I have a 9 year old male and an 8 month old puppy.
I learn more about each of them all the time, especially the last two months while my wife has been away.
Yeah, my dog is my child. I love him so much it is ridiculous. Seems like everyday he is developing more and more of a personality and growing wiser in his own little doggie way.
Testing boundaries, establishing likes and dislikes. Learning behaviours from other peoples reactions etc.
Just yesterday I took him round to a friends place that he has been to several times before, only this time my friend’s cats were around and one ended up attacking Shpanky. He got one hell of a fright and was on edge for the remainder of the afternoon, chasing the cats and growling when they tried to jump the fence.
Now he is getting really barky with cats (even on TV) where previously this was not the case.
LOL – ok so that stuff doesn’t make him more lovable but it is an example of his developing personality. He does cute stuff too!
Jack, my West Highland Terror is my buddy, what don’t we do together?
My dad calls him, “Jack Shit”.
We have a particle approach to living together and it works just fine for the both of us.
Basically I am his bitch.
What can I say, I do love that little bastard.
Oh yes. Its like having another person, more like having another member of the family.
Our dog is five now and we still notice things about her that are totally cute. I think we’re much more open to giving her the cuddly love so we notice the cute things more. And it’s definitely like having another person around! She’s someone to talk to, someone to do things with, someone to take a drive with. She’s absolutely perfect!
Absolutely. My favorite part is seeing his “facial expressions.”
And it’s funny that you said it’s “like having another person around,” because that is what my husband (also a new dog daddy) said verbatim. :) Congrats on your fur baby.
I just got a new puppy (4 month old bichon frise), and she’s very strong-willed! She’s only 5 lbs, but loves to chase my parents’ 25-lb bichon Max around the house. Out of the blue, I’ll suddenly hear high pitched barking, and I’ll turn around to see him running down the hall with her in pursuit.
I was surprised, though, at Max’s response to her. He likes her! He puts up with her antics, and I even noticed him grooming her a few times. I never thought of him as the type to groom other dogs.
My beautiful lolo (in my picture) is like a person! no one believes me when i say that but she is! And yes, everyday i am conscious of her presence and the funny cute things she does ever day!
My poor Shpanky is so depressed at the moment, I don’t know how else to describe him at the moment. He had a neuter last week and has to wear a cone around his neck due to licking at the wound.
Poor wee guy, I have been taking the cone off for periods under my supervision and he is so much happier with it off. It is sad to see him lifeless on the sofa sulking for hours on end.
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