General Question

YARNLADY's avatar

Are you ready to make your reservations for the April Fluther Gathering in San Francisco on April 9 - 11?

Asked by YARNLADY (46716points) January 6th, 2010

The Fluther gathering will be staying at the Wharf Inn in San Francisco. Contact me for information about discount rates, and hospitality rates.

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18 Answers

Pandora's avatar

No, I wish it was closer. Its too far for me to travel too.

CMaz's avatar

What a great excuse to go to San Francisco!

Might just be a bit out of the way this year. :-(

I hope you all can webcast the event.

filmfann's avatar

Sounds like fun! I am not too far away, so count me in!

troubleinharlem's avatar

Too far away, and I have school anyway. D:

deni's avatar

I REALLY WANT TO GO!!!!!!! my brother lives in san fran. free housing! woop woop! now, @ChazMaz shape up and change your plans, damn it

hearkat's avatar

Sadly, I had already planned a vacation to meet others from my iPhone social network this week in Florida, and took more than a week off, prior to learning of your plans for this event. I’d really Lurve to join you, and have always wanted to see San Francisco, though. I’ll see what I can do.

Sophief's avatar

Really, is this true? What is happening?

LC_Beta's avatar

I will be lodging at casa de LC_beta. Excited for the gathering!

jonsblond's avatar

I’m in Illinois. S.F. is too far away for us. :(

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

I’m ready as long as my work schedule permits. Several friends of mine live there so I might be staying with them unless I can talk my SO into a mini vacation and show him around my old stomping grounds, he’d want the motel.

Silhouette's avatar

I love, love, love San Francisco and I’m growing quite fond of Fluther too. Where do I sign up? I’d be very interested in the details. Thank you.

dalepetrie's avatar

I would so go, if I hadn’t been unemployed for a year. Either I’ll have a new job which will keep me from getting the time off, OR I won’t be able to afford it, probably both, because even if (think positive – when) I get a new job, it’s going to take me months to get out from under the staggering debt I’ve accrued enough so that I feel I can even afford a vacation.

CMaz's avatar

Lets find Wavy Gravy and get the Magic Bus back on the road.
Pick everyone up and head to San Fancisco.

ru2bz46's avatar

It’s a shortish drive for me. Sounds like fun!

ru2bz46's avatar

Oh, crap! I was just about to put this on my schedule, when I saw that I am in yoga teacher training that weekend. Bummer I’ll miss you all. :-(

wundayatta's avatar

Too bad. I’ll be in SF area the next weekend. I would have put my ass on, too. :(

filmfann's avatar

Is this still happening, and how many do you expect?

YARNLADY's avatar

@filmfann Sorry, this has been cancelled. There was not enough interest, and I had a family emergency that left me unable to continue the planning.

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