To any and all with genital piercing, has it effected your sensitivity or performance in any way? Either Positive or Negative?
my girl friend has asked me if id ever get my foreskin pierced…the kind wear it is horizontally pierced just past the end of the head…
i was wondering if this would effect my genital sensitivity…
so i figured id start a discussion so i could get information on it…as well as have a raving good conversation…lol
well let the comments and conversations commence!!!
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18 Answers
I had a clitoral piercing for many years – took it out the last time I was in labor – planning to re-pierce asap…only made the sex better.
That is a frenum piercing; I had one for a while. It makes sex so much better for both you and your partner. I had no sensitivity loss with it whatsoever. Go for it – I’m dead serious. Barely no pain involved (keep in mind that I’ve had an assortment of piercings all over).
Feel free to ask any questions.
Frenum? It nearly killedum!
@Blondesjon This is where you tell OP to “be a man,” skip the frenum and go straight for the Prince Albert.
@Grisaille I would love if my husband would get either but piercings freak him out – he doesn’t like needles
@Simone_De_Beauvoir I’m perfectly fine with needles and have had many piercings, but I can’t go through with a PA or any of the other assorted horrors I’ve seen. So there, I can empathize.
But do tell him to get a frenum. :)
thanks @Grisaille…ive been debating it off and on for a few months but something keeps leaning me toward and resounding “HELL YEAH LETS DO IT”....
@Simone_De_Beauvoir was yo
stupid thing cut me off…any hoo
@Simone_De_Beauvoir was yours a clitoral hood or the clit its self??
@sunyata_rakshasa Really, the maintenance is the hardest part: 4–5 salt water cleanings a day for about 2 weeks or so. Which means no hanky panky (I didn’t trust the thing and waited a month – thought it’d rip from my skin. Trust me, it’s in there good).
It’s just a quick pinch.
thats another thing i was wondering about…was the maintenance
i kinda figured as much…but salt water? that just sounds…i mean nothing i cant handle..but oww…why not alcohol or peroxide?...or some other disinfectant?...why salt water?
Nah, salt water doesn’t hurt at all. You can pick up a bottle of a special solution at whatever piercing/tattoo shop you are at.
NEVER alchohol or peroxide. Not only would it feel as if Helios’ chariot has descended upon your penis, they scar and are generally inept at handling such a wound. These two substances should never, ever be used on piercings. Ever.
Salt water (something I personally use – it’s a wide term that encompasses both homemade solution and the commercial variety – I’d stick with commercial, but I use homemade. I’m comfortable with handling piercings and the healing involved) is both a disinfectant and mild enough to use daily. It does not burn, hurt or sting, and does the job. Well.
Again, if you do plan on getting this done, I suggest talking to your piercing artist himself. He’ll give you tips on how to handle this.
Few words:
- Erections will be somewhat painful for about a week. Isn’t anything you can’t handle.
- You’ll have to sleep on your back or side.
- No masturbation. Obviously. That falls under “hanky panky.”
- The piercing artist should tell you this, but there is a slight chance of piercing rejection. If there is any severe pain or discomfort, go back there immediately to get it checked out. Seriously.
sweet bro…this is all great great info…i never new that peroxide and shit could scar…it kind of explains the bumpiness in my ear right now…ill have to pick up some salt water solution for that too since im planing on gauging again in a week or so…
thanks again a million times over…pretty sure the piercer and i can take it from here lol….
take it easy and thanks a lot
peace ~ Sunya
Not a problem. Go forward, my child.
I found the frenum piercing to be uncomfortable. My ex had a frenum ladder, and quite a large gauged prince albert. (also had other genital piercings, but nothing that affected sex)
I was not dating him when he got the piercings, but he said they healed rather quickly. He took the frenum out for himself and for me, he didn’t want them anymore and they also made it uncomfortable for me sometimes. They were nice though. I really liked the prince albert though.
I also have had a genital piercing, and for myself…it didn’t enhance anything, and when I took it out I actually enjoyed sex more. So, I’m glad I took it out to have a baby lol
I have a vertical clitoral hood piercing. It has not affected my sensitivity in any way, although it is fun to play with.
@rockstargrrrlie I wish I had gotten mine vertical. I had a horizontal. I think the vertical might have felt better.
thanks for the input ladies…@casheroo ill take all that into consideration…that i and my parter may not like it after its done…i supose to each there own…to realy know we’d have to experience it…
namste all…
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