Somewhat romantic trip to San Francisco for four days at the end of this month. Any recommendations on a hotel?
Me and chelseababyy will be meeting up in SF for four days. Where should we stay? The budget isn’t important. A romantic four star hotel with a good location would be perfect.
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153 Answers
I don’t know a good hotel. BUT I think you two should visit the Palace of Fine Arts!!! It is beautiful there!
Dear Fluther,
Thank you for introducing me to the love of my life, now help us pick a hotel, kthxbye. <3
omgosh, you two make my teeth hurt because of how sickeningly sweet and cute you are :p
SWEEEET! Sorry, I don’t know the answer, just think this is so fantastic!
p.s. – try anything in the “Tenderloin” section of the city. best area of town for two young lovers!
Oh, excuse me, i just threw up in my mouth.
Mods, isn’t this “self-promotional”? ;)
Go to the Hotel Nikko. Union Square. You’ll love it.
Seriously avoid anything near the “Tenderloin” and take @eponymoushipster‘s advice with a grain of salt. That’s the worst part of the city.
@eponymoushipster I knew you were joking but not everyone knows that about SF and I certainly almost made that mistake when I was moving to the city.
The Fairmont. Classy, lobby is a destination in itself, location is not in the middle of the chaos. The rooms look like something out of a rich person’s house. built in 1906, you can check on line for packages. we got a package that included breakfast about 5 years ago for $169 a night. that is not much more than a regular hotel like Holiday Inn would cost in the city. trust me, the Fairmont is a world class hotel.
@richardhenry well, if you add meeting someone you’ve never met in person, sharing a hotel room, and a “somewhat romantic” visit to the list, staying at a roach motel in the tenderloin isn’t all that more dangerous.
might i suggest skipping the condoms and bringing along a pistol for some russian roulette, a la The Deerhunter?
Well we all know these two are completely dangerous people infected with a bunch of STDs. ~ <rolls eyes>
The Westin St. Francis is pretty amazing. Never stayed there, but have been there and eaten there a few times. Highly recommended from my limited experience with it.
Not going to make a remark about how pathetic and corny this is…
The Westin St Francis looks good. It confused me that there’s two “Francis” hotels. I’m taking a look at the Nikko now.
And Lurve for “budget isn’t important”. That is love!
Well you two.. Congrats! I can tell you from personal experience most Westin’s are very comfy.. awesome beds… well worth it.
Take pics of whatever happens outside the hotel. (please no bedroom pics).
Sir Francis Drake Hotel is nice; also if at all possible try and take a day or two up to Napa…very romantic!
@Dr_C That’s what I said! I told him about the beds. SOOO comfy.
Woah, didn’t think you two would come out in the public so… publicly. :P
Go get ‘em, Chels!
Better be a gentleman, @richardhenry. I have eyes everywhere.
@Grisaille Hah. You know me ;D. No worries, I’ll let you know if he tries any funny business!
@eponymoushipster: You DO know it’s possible to think something is a bad idea without being a colossal douche about it, right?
@eponymoushipster: For the sake of friendship? You might disapprove, but I don’t imagine you’re actually trying to get Chels to never speak to you again. You’re doing a decent job of it, though, I think.
@eponymoushipster: Well, if I was wrong, carry on, I guess. And in the spirit of not beating around the bush, you’re looking an awful lot like a toddler who’s pouting because the pretty girl picked someone else, just FYI.
I lurve this question. I’ve never been to San Fran so I have no suggestions but have fun!!
@MacBean haha. no. but i’m impressed that someone would fall back to that one, esp. someone like you.
I wonder what a combination New Jersey accent and British accent would sound like…. weird I bet.
@Dr_C Ever heard Martha Stewart?
Flights officially booked, jsyk. ;)
omggggggggggggg cute cute cute FAIRYTALE asdfkljasl;dfjlasdfjasd
I love this thread, even because of all the hysterical “cute-overload” comments. You see what you guys do to people? For shame! :P
Oops. Uhh so just ignore my first two responses there. Proper response:
I’m sorry I’ve never been to San Fran but the two hotels that Chels showed me both look pretty awesome. I think this is an amazing story and I’m so jealous of you two because I’ve been hanging out to meet some Flutherites for soooo long (not romantically, just meet :P ) and you two are crossing continents and everything and I’m so excited for you! You need to keep journal entries or something haha. <3
Hotel booked! Staying at the Westin St Francis. I AM SO EXCITED I CANNOT CONTAIN MAHSELF.
Updates as things happen! Well, not everything.
I love new love.
We’ve been working on a list of things to do, and we don’t even care how lame it is: We are going to the Exploratorium.
I was going to mention this earlier, if at all possible, if you’re doing the Golden Gate bridge, try and get up to Sausilito and Mill Valley-gorgeous and minutes from the bridge.
@sndfreQ Thanks, we’ll more than likely do that. We were thinking about doing the bridge.
@sndfreQ Agreed on Sausilito. Beautiful elitist town.
You could also hit the California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park if that’s what you’re into. I think I prefer it to the Exploratorium. Ghiradelli Square is also a good touristy place to hit.
I actually say boo for Sausalito. In four days, I think you can do a bunch of stuff in the city.
Exploratorium is the best thing in the city. I’ve been there 3 times in the last 2 months. It’s amazing. Make sure you book an appointment in the tactile dome before you head over. It’s totally worth it.
@andrew OMG YES. Okay, I’m excited now. We’ll do that. Mostly we wanted to go because of the name, but now I’m sold.
im sure exploring the tactile dome is high on the list. lol~
@andrew I think that taking the ferry over to Sausalito/North Bay area is a pretty fun trip, giving a different view of the city from the other side of the bay.
@dverhey I suppose that’s fair. And good if you want a contingency plan.
Where’s good to eat sushi? Where’s good to eat, full stop?
@richardhenry San Francisco has some places called Sushi Boat scattered around in various places, one of which is near Union Square. The sushi goes around on little boats and you can just pick it off them. Good for the novelty at least. The food’s alright, too. I’ve had better, but if you’re just looking for sushi…
Otherwise, the Sushi Bistro is good. Probably not in your part of town, though.
@richardhenry No, YOU wanted to go because of the name, I wanted to go because I thought it was cool. You sir, are a lamer.
Oh yes, sushi. nom nom nom
There’s a great French-Vietnamese restaurant that’s within walking distance of Union Square, located on Cosmo Street just above Post. My friend tool a group of colleagues and I to dinner there…walking from the Sir Francis Drake Hotel, it was about a 5 minute walk.
The restaurant is called Le Colonial and it has an awesome patio entrance and beautiful, romantic décor. The food was amazing-I had Chilean Sea Bass prepared with a French-Vietnamese sauce, and also tried their Kobe steak filet Mignon-to die for!
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@richardhenry @chelseababyy There have been a few threads in the past on fun things to do in SF (here’s a list of things I suggested once before). I would second Andrew’s “meh” response to Sausalito. There is really nothing to do there, even for tourists. Now, if you want to head to that area, take the ferry that leaves from the Embarcadero and go to Tiburon (or Angel Island). At Tiburon, there are quite a few restaurants to eat outside (my favorite being Sam’s where you can even check the weather before you go) and bask in the sunlight (and view).
Also, I’m not sure how long you will be in SF, but the Ferry Building itself is quite interesting, and the farmer’s market there on Saturdays is awesome.
Of course, there are tons of really chill, but also romantic places to visit, like the Japanese Tea Garden, the Cliff House, hiking the Land’s End Trail (conveniently near the Cliff House) or finding some secret walks/staircases (my favorite thing to do). Let me know if you want more suggestions.
Just popping in to say: OMG! Have a great time!
@shilolo Thanks for the tips! Definitely appreciated.
Thirteen days, ((cough)) but who’s counting?
Thirteen more sleeps. Don’t judge me for measuring time in sleeps.
I can count the days on two hands. Awesome? I think so.
I can count the days on two fingers.
Down my throat.
i can count them in lines of sharpie on my sleeping friends face (hi everybody)
@andrew Oh you love it. Don’t be silly.
@chelseababyy heyo sister. glad to be here. i’m downloading the iphone app right now
@andrew The tactile dome sounds, uh, interesting.
* Sessions last 75 minutes
* You can expect to travel through the Dome two to three times
* “An explosion of your senses!”
* “Exhilarating; like nothing else on earth!”
* Not recommended for women in their last trimester of pregnancy
The Tactile Dome is awesome!!! Though they should include in that disclaimer that those with claustrophobia or those who have difficulty climbing (I.e. heavy-set people) should use caution. When you go in however, just realize it’s one person at a time…
Lastly, if you use the bathrooms by the front entrance of the museum, remember to double check the signs (I seem to recall that they were tiny), as I walked into the women’s restroom and peed in the stall and didn’t realize until I exited the stall my faux pas!!
@richardhenry It just means that for a group of people, you have 75 minutes. You spend maybe 10–20 minutes inside the dome. And it is rad.
@sndfreQ I nearly did the exact same thing with the bathrooms!!!
@Allie Oh, you picked up on that?
@richardhenry is the tiny peen pic part of the “tactile dome” experience?
he he he.. i had to
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are you guys in SF yet? i thought today was flight day!
Not the first Fluther date to the Exploratorium, believe it or not.
@nikipedia No fair, you tease! Who? Inquiring minds want to know. ;)
@PnL Spill your guts, girl!
A little more than 12 hours and we’ll both be in SF. Just sayin’.
Okay. Now it’s just a few more hours. Let’s hope theres no more delays.
So tonight when I look to the northern sky, I expect to see a big white flash of light brighter than the full moon followed by a low rumble…then I’ll know what tyme it izzz fo’ shizzle ;)
Hai guys. Guess who I’m with ;D.
Hai guys. Guess who my boyfriend is?!?!!!
YAYYYY! Now, get off the computer and go get busy, girl!
@augustlan rofl. yeah.. about that.. he’s passed out! :O
What did you do to him to make him pass out? Wait, don’t answer that.
The tables have turned. Now she’s asleep and I’m awake.
hahahahha. he’s so silly.
OMG, someone call a doctor, I think I’m going to go into a diabetic coma in just a minute here!
@MacBean sorry I’m late.. i just woke up from my diabetic coma. The only solution now is to try and avoid a mental image of @chels and @richardhenry going at it like bunnies.
@Dr_C I don’t have a reply to that that isn’t kind of creepy…
Great rich. You can clean up the projectile vomit caused by your relationship when you come and stay with me. Urp.
@andrew Make sure you clean the sheets.
Hi guys. Richard’s sick and in bed :( make him betterrrrr!!!!
Oh no! Maybe something he ate? So sorry. :(
It’s the swine flu. Welcome to America. ~
Sorry, though, that sucks.
Yay! for love aaaaand Boo! for sickness
Meh I feel good now. We’re ordering breakfast. Lol.
Most amazing four days of my life. <3
Holy hell this is cute overload.
Ok, now it is officially too cute.
Will you get Charlie’s autograph for me?
Absolutely. I’ll bring you back some candy from Candy Mountainnnn.
@chels & @richardhenry thanks to you two I am now officially diabetic. I will be sending you my medical bills.
have an awesome trip chels
@MacBean… bee’s knees? really? .... really?
@MacBean <3<3<3
@Dr_C But.. but.. you’re the doctor, so can’t you just treat/bill yourself? :)
and thank you!!
@chels fine… I’ll send you the bill for insulin and syringes
@Dr_C: hahahaha Yes. And that’s the reaction I was going for. Thanks. ♥
Have a great time, you two!
Have a great time and take lots of pictures!!!
So? How’d it go? Details!
Welllll. I’m here in England at the moment, and will be here until further notice (a few months or so) :D.
We’ve um, updated our Fluther profiles.
WHAT?! you crazy birds! <3 <3
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