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cornbird's avatar

What are some aphrodisicas you know of?

Asked by cornbird (1750points) January 7th, 2010

What are some well known foods do you all know of that would give you that extra “zing” under the sheets? Name all except for viagra.

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20 Answers

Sophief's avatar

I think this question was meant for me!! Nothing gives me the extra “zing”, because I am already highly sexed. But the ones I know of are ; Asparagus
oopps, sorry, I don’t know many, if I needed any I would know them all.

answerjill's avatar

It isn’t a food, but I hear that for some (particularly women), it turns them on when their partner does the dishes, feeds the pet, cleans the house…

Sophief's avatar

I like watching my partner do anything, he’s so yummy to watch.

dpworkin's avatar

There are none. Not even Viagra.

PrancingUrchin's avatar

@Dibley, eeeaaaasssyy killer.

figbash's avatar

Chocolate, figs, oysters, wine, bananas, among others are supposed to be aphrodisiacs. Some of them for chemical preporties, others for the visual properties.

I’ve had mixed experiences with these. I really think it all has to do with the company, except for the wine, of course. Alcohol is probably the aphrodisiac.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

If you need food to give you an extra “zing” in the bedroom, then you should reassess the situation entirely.

sjmc1989's avatar

Men that wear a suit and tie, and wine put them together and I’m all yours :) Oh and guitar playing…

AstroChuck's avatar

As a dude I can tell you that just about everything is an aphrodisiac to me.

phil196662's avatar

The Wife and her Wide Eyed look with a devilish grin just makes me crazy to the point that I almost rip off her clothes and almost has happened in public but would not have mattered because it was a beach and around the corner were nude sunbathers! then there is a Glass of Wine, scent of a Candle.

JJJones's avatar

M&M’s that are not ripe!

daemonelson's avatar

It’s not an aphrodisiac per se. But sugar tends to help me greatly.

JJJones's avatar

Air gets me real stirred up!

6rant6's avatar

Saffron appears to have quite a following, both anecdotal and researchwise.

HGl3ee's avatar

Mmmm working on our Mitsubishi Evolution X Track Car.. My god that was a SEXY summer (drool)

lonelydragon's avatar

I don’t know about foods (other than the classic chocolate, of course), but I’m a sucker for scented candles. Turn the lights down and light some candles, and I’m yours! When a man does little things like that to set the mood, that’s very sexy.

phil196662's avatar

We would never get any sleep with all my candles burning- eh @lonelydragon ???

scotsbloke's avatar

a cheese fondue! Don’t ask why…..........

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