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john65pennington's avatar

Big, heavy coat or several layers of clothing?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) January 7th, 2010

My wife has bought me a $200.00 fantastic coat. it has everything and filled with duck down. it is warm, BUT i have always worn layered clothing in cold weather. i am stuck. i believe in layering clothes to stay warm. i have more freedom of movement. if i do wear the new coat…..i will pay dearly. any suggestions?

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9 Answers

frdelrosario's avatar

Your wife bought you a coat, and you’re asking a million strangers if you should wear it?

If you don’t wear it, it’ll share the doghouse with you.

wonderingwhy's avatar

Use the coat as a top layer or when you’re going out with her and the destination is somewhere warm (movie theater, restaurant, etc). It will keep you in her good graces and still allow you to layer when you’re doing other things.

phil196662's avatar

@wonderingwhy – good job! Combine keep the wife happy!

FlipFlap's avatar

One thick layer is not as warm as several thin layers, however a coat with duck down has several layers already built-in.

aprilsimnel's avatar

If you don’t want your coat, I’ll take it!

sjmc1989's avatar

I use a heavy coat, my North Face fleece jacket, long sleeved shirt, and undershirt. Oh yeah and a scarf, gloves and fur-lined boots. Ex. see Randy in A Christmas Story

john65pennington's avatar

I have decided to keep the peace and wear the new coat. your advice has been well taken. thanks.

Blackberry's avatar

I used to not like coats, but then my girlfriend got me a peacoat. I can wear shorts and a t shirt and stull be warm under that thing, so it’s much easier. I go out a lot, so wearing a lot of layers just makes me hot when I’m inside.

forestGeek's avatar

I almost always prefer layering to a big coat. I like to have 3–4 layers in the winter, so I can shed one or two when I go into stores or restaurants. The only time I really wear my big coat is while snowshoeing and snowboarding.

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