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La_chica_gomela's avatar

What's a good dessert I can make with fresh oranges that are very tart?

Asked by La_chica_gomela (12594points) January 7th, 2010

We’re having a hard time eating them fresh because they’re so tart! So I thought I’d make something with them that would sweeten them up so they don’t go to waste. I was thinking about something like this, but I’m not set on it. Any different ideas? I’m looking for something in which the orange is the star of the dish because I have at least 5 of them.

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12 Answers

wonderingwhy's avatar

italian ice or lollipops, you could also candy the peel, you could make icing out of the juice to top cupcakes or or use it as filling

Darwin's avatar

Another thing to do is squeeze them for juice and then use the juice to make orangeade, just as one would make lemonade.

You can also use the juice to make mojo criollo marinade for poultry and pork. This is Bobby Flay’s interpretation.

They are also the oranges preferentially used to make the best marmalade, and here is a recipe for Sour Orange Pie (sort of like Key Lime Pie).

And here are a bunch of recipes using sour oranges.

BTW, if you do squeeze the oranges for juice but end up with too much, you can put it in ice-cube trays and freeze it to use later.

marinelife's avatar

You could make ambrosia. Take the oranges and slice them into rounds. Take bananas and slice them. Then added shredded coconut. The bananas and the sweetened coconut counteract the tartness of the oranges.

eponymoushipster's avatar

Oranges N’ Whisky -

Peel and pith the oranges into wedges. Add a bit of water (2 tablespoons or so), a bit of whisky and two tablespoons of sugar.

Bring the mix to a simmer, and simmer for about 10minutes.

You can serve it warm (or chilled) with whipped cream. Another fun way to do it is put some marscapone on top.

dpworkin's avatar

Get a key-lime pie recipe and make some substitutions.

janbb's avatar

There is actually a Florida recipe called Sour Orange Pie which I have had and it is very good. Don’t have a recipe but there should be one on the internet – wait, I’ll check.

janbb's avatar

Here it is. It is similar to key-lime pie.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@Marina: These are wayyyyyyyyyy too sour for that.

Darwin's avatar

@La_chica_gomela – If you decide you don’t know what to do with them, send ‘em to me. The guy that used to supply my sour orange fix sold his house so now I can’t cook a lot of my Cuban recipes.

YARNLADY's avatar

Sorry, I don’t know about dessert, but if you want another use, try sour orange poached fish.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@YARNLADY: Haha, I actually made poached fish last night! I wish I had thought of it then!

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Well I ended up making a variation of the original dessert I posted with about half of them. It was terrible because they were still extremely sour. The other half I juiced and added as an ingredient in some sangria that I brought to a party last night. I’m SO happy to be rid of those!

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