General Question

Blackberry's avatar

What are these math problems called and how do you figure them out?

Asked by Blackberry (34356points) January 7th, 2010

I’ve been out of high school for about 6 years now so I don’t remember anything about this. But what type of math is it where you have to calculate when an object will reach a destination using it’s speed and distance away? And how do you figure it out? Maybe it’s a ‘brain fart’ and really easy, but I can’t figure it out….Your GPS does it.

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12 Answers

Val123's avatar

? What math problems?

aprilsimnel's avatar

Distance = Rate x Time

Val123's avatar

Give me an actual problem, please!

Blackberry's avatar

@Val123 I don’t have an actual example. I meant the problems where they are stated: Hurricane so and so is heading for weather station X at 15MPH, it’s 1500Z, so when will the hurricane reach your station if it is 300 miles away. Or something like that lol.

SarasWhimsy's avatar

Those problems for me are always called the: Yeah, I’m Gonna Take a Pass On That, Chuck

Way above my math skills.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

It’s simple algebra until you start adding in vectors, which may involve trigonometry or calculus.

Blackberry's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land Oh yeah that’s it. Algebra. I’m so lame lol. Thank you :)

wonderingwhy's avatar

Distance/Speed = ETA

so… 300 miles / 15 mph = 20 hours

just make sure your distance and speed are using the same measurements (miles : miles, or meters : meters, none of this inches : meters business)

Blackberry's avatar

@wonderingwhy Ah I see, I thought it was something along those lines, thank you :)

gasman's avatar

There are two kinds of problems that ask when an object reaches its destination. (1) Constant velocity; and (2) constant acceleration.

The 1st kind uses a linear formula—distance proportional to time.
The 2nd kind uses a quadratic formula—distance proportional to time-squared.

There are other possibilities than these 2, but you’ll probably do these 2 kinds first.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

Time and Distance problems?

Blackberry's avatar

@gasman thanks a lot good sir.

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