If you ruled the world, what would you do?
Let’s pretend that you sat on a throne somewhere making decisions about everything that happened in the world, right down to whether or not McDonald’s serves breakfast all day long. What would you change about the world and what would you keep the same?
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31 Answers
My head would explode if I had to decide EVERYTHING , must suck to be God….
But I would change most of the world to a musical direction and anything I liked, yeah I am selfish hahaha :D
when i am king, you will be first against the wall.
I would turn everything into a big, bad socialist run world. Mhwahahahaha, free health care for everyone ahahahahah lol.
I’m sure I’d fail horribly and see the world descend into ann all-consuming destruction, but I would try hard to develop a society without need of economy and tackle the roots of greed as best I could.
I would make it so that everyday was national ice cream day….yum yum
Edit: oh and shoot me for saying this, bring Edward Cullen to life.
I would make it illegal for people to claim to be Native American because their grandmother was a “Full Blooded“______ !!!!
How can it be possible for everyone’s grandmother to have been a Full Blooded Native American ? Where were all the white women in the earlier part of the 20th century !
@Pretty_Lilly I haven’t seen someone so passionate about something so trivial lol.
Not sure what I would do, although it would be fun to try for a while. I’ll tell you what I wouldn’t do, though, and that’s hire people who used to run Enron to help me.
I’d give the job to someone better qualified.
@Blackberry I have seen Lilly white ass people (*excuse the pun) claim to be Native Americans !!! It’s sad the entire race has been decimated and now the people who killed them has now taken over their identity !
@Pretty_Lilly Yeah I agree, those people are pretty uneducated. That would be like me saying I’m Irish or something lol.
@Blackberry Do you remember Samantha Mumba ?? She’s an Irish singer,Google her image and you’ll see why I’m mention her name !!
id probably be some what like ghengis khan and sleep with all the beautiful women from the lands that i conquered
@Pretty_Lilly Wow! She’s Irish?! I thought she was either from south america or black and white mixed lol.
I would do my best to encourage honesty, ulterior motives make such a mess of the world
In reality I would probably make a huge mess myself but hey, no one would be able to mess with me.
also I used to listen to Samantha Mumba…“you’re love for me came as a waterfaaaall!”
I would put all the pedophiles on a island to be kept there forever so they can never harm the innocent again.
@Mia3 Why just the pedophiles lol? There are still murderers…..At least a child can live if they are molested, but a murderer can end a childs life.
Because a pedophile cannot reform themselves and they will continue to commit those henus acts. A murderer can suffer in jail and try to reform themselves.
Take a nap. Maybe watch a little TV.
Destroy completely and recreate anew… make it a better place.
@hungertoragejr I wonder if we would encounter the same problems we have now in our world. It’d be an interesting (though extremely expensive) experiment at least.
I would become like this guy . There will be Manahday, Vohuesday,
Manarch, and Manaugust.
My needs are simple: I’d start a harem for myself and let my advisers run things.
stop all the bad stuff ppl do to each ofther an just help kid moms dads an we evey one out some way some how
- free musical instrument course for every child
– cross-cultural training for every citizen in the world
– student exchange programs for every student spending time in foreign cultures
I would create it from scratch!
I would subsidize food for everyone. I would make egg nog available all year long. I would allow everyone the ability to challenge all university courses for free. I would make McDonalds breakfast all day long. I would make 24/7 hour restaurants and grocery stores. Cab’s would be free in the winter and at night. WCB (Workman’s compensation board ) would be automatic. Employment insurance would be at 100% of pay. Also I would allow everyone to pick 10 days a year for holidays and two months vacation per year. Also everyone gets three, one hour naps per day.
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