Ruining the funeral for a bust, needed or classless and thoughtless?
Arresting someone at a funeral, necessary or classless? Watching these true cop shows time to time, I had seen the cops get a tip that a suspect they want badly will be at a funeral. They go in like 12 or more deep and interrupt the service to bust the guy/gal. Is that classless or they doing it just for the camera? If they already know the guy/gal is there why could they not just lay low and surround the place and catch him/her when it is over and they are on their way out? I know the person might be suspected of doing a serious crime but if he/she goes to court and get cleared do he/she get to sue for the lost opportunity to say good bye? And what of the other members who had their last grieving moments ruined by a raid that could have waited? You can’t just say “oops my bad” and hit the rewind button to give them that moment back. Is it all about not only getting the person but saying to all they know “he/she is a terrible person that is why we disrupt your funeral to get them because we could not do it any other time”, to hold them up to ridicule of those attending that may have been unaware of any legal problems that person may have had? If it is a funeral for a family member does that make it worse to ruin than the funeral for a friend, road dog, or colleague, etc?
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12 Answers
without knowing the details of exactly why (who knows, could be thought to be armed and potentially dangerous someone at the funeral) it seems like a generally classless move. Pinch them on the way out.
It all depends on the crime. If it’s a minor crime, then yeah, it’s quite rude and should not occur. If this is a murder suspect that the police are apprehending, then I say by all means, catch the guy, even if it breaks up a funeral.
Cops can be pretty harsh. They wanted to arrest a co-worker of mine, so they followed him to the workplace, and arrested him in the parking lot, so that everyone could see.
I understand your question. here is the procedure for this type of situation: serious felony arrests comes first. if this person has been on the run for five years and is a serial killer, his take down would be imminent. everything else can be put on hold, until the funeral has finished. this is the procedure in my department. respect is the name of the game for the family. each department is different and has different procedures to go by. i agree with you that any arrest, other than the one described above, should not interfere with a funeral. this rule is generally the same for most big city police departments and may not apply to smaller departments.
@holden He hit is ex-wife. She then went to the police and said he kidnapped her (he didn’t).
@filmfann But by the time everyone at the office finds out the real in the deal many won’t believe no matter what, he was led away in cuffs the untruth of the situation would have gotten half way around the world. Once that genie is out of the bottle you very, very rarely get it back in.
I could not agree with you more. this is really a tough call for all concerned. i had a similar incident that involved domestic violence at the funeral site. believe it or not, the fight was over the recepients of the money from the deceased person. the scene was like something right out of The Jerry Springer Show. the police did not interrupt this funeral, the families did themselves.
Sounds like another case of “watched a TV show and thought it was reality?”
@laureth I’m with you on this one Where is their sense of shame? Don’t those poor innocent (they’re always innocent, aren’t they?) alleged criminals deserve a break?
@laureth I am sure if you have the goods that any of those cop shows or any other raw video shows are fake I am sure you’d share that fact. I would hate to think that footage that was said to be from the security camera with the clerk pulling a weapon and battling the would-be robber in a close range gun fight was all staged for some twisted amusement of the owner of the store. Or that race car that loses control and flips through the security fence into the grand stands, hope all those people who seem to be running in terror were actually in on the joke and not actually that terrifide was the stuff of Industrial Light and Magic. By the way, all those cell phone vids of Oscar Grant, man that looked real I never would have quessed they had it all planned.
@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities If the person actually did murder someone he/she maybe armed, to go into a crowded venue to make the bust is not carried out flawlessly vould cause more deaths because you do not want to have a shootout with all the grieving folks around.
Second, if you were at a funeral of a beloved aunt, grandparent etc and it was cops busted in to arrest one of your other relatives on suspicion they commited some major crime, even though the services would carry on once the frackus was over but you would not think the parting memory of your loved one was marred by the interuption?
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