Social Question

wildpotato's avatar

With all your winter gear on, how much money are you wearing?

Asked by wildpotato (15229points) January 7th, 2010

I’m just curious – the question occurred to me today, and I’d never thought about it before. I thought I’d share this little exercise with you all because I think it’s an interesting way to self-examine, and also because I wonder about how much money other peoples’ clothes represent. Let’s discount jewelry (watches and cuff links included), glasses/sunglasses, and accessories like purses and and backpacks. Edit thanks, daloon: purchase price was what I was wondering about, but if you guys think it’s interesting to discuss discounted value as well, have at it!

Today I was wearing about $325 in clothes and outerwear. I think this is average for me during the winter, although the number dips considerably when I go out in anything other than my favorite hoodie.

How about you?

Edit: After reading the first few answers thanks guys, way to anticipate!, I realize now that perhaps it would be helpful to include little note about the weather where you live. I’m in NYC, where we are getting some super frigid air from the north at the moment.

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25 Answers

Sarcasm's avatar

Between summer and winter, probably about an extra $30.
At San Diego. Finally a reason to like you.

holden's avatar

I live on the central California coast. What winter gear? I was walking around in a t-shirt today.

john65pennington's avatar

At the moment, about $300.00 worth of sweaters, shirts, insulated underwear and boots. its 13 degrees above outside and the wind is 20–25 mph. wind chill is about 10 below zero. i did have on gloves, but its hard to type.

wonderingwhy's avatar

pants 55, leg base layer (if it’s really cold) 45, top base layer 45, sweatshirt 30, winter jacket 125, boots 185 so about 485; not counting underwear, socks, and possible t-shirt.

I really don’t want to think about it when I have to dress for a meeting though >.<

wundayatta's avatar

Are we talking discounted value? Or purchase price?

If it’s current value—maybe, if I’m lucky, sixty bucks.

Purchase price—220, I think.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Shoes – $60
Coat – $70
Socks, pants, shirt – $55
Hat and scarf – $20
Total: $205
(the coat and hat and scarf are about 5 years old and were paid for by my mom back when I didn’t make any money…now that I make money, I have kids to take care of so nothing I buy is extravagant) oh and I was wearing $10 in the morning and by the nightfall I have given it all away to the homeless…

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

There was a major cold spell here a few weeks back, and I estimate that I was wearing about $385 in clothes during that time.

fireinthepriory's avatar

Today? My outerwear (boots, coat, wooly socks, hat, scarf and mittens) amounted to about $170, although if my coat hadn’t been on super sale when I got it, it would have been maybe $60 more. My clothes (jeans, teeshirt and cardigan) were about $60 total. Whew, I bought an outfit for what I saved on that jacket!

chyna's avatar

Cuddle Duds $50.00
jeans $35.00
long sleave t shirt $20.00
WVU sweat shirt $35.00
ski jacket $50.00
gloves $10.00
hiking boots $40.00
These prices are from when they were bought new, which is over a few year’s span.
Temperature now: 23 degrees

aprilsimnel's avatar

Let’s see… boots, hat, gloves, scarf, coat, jeans, long underwear (top and bottom), socks, turtleneck, sweater.

About ~$375 because I’m a good shopper. There’s no way in hell I’d pay full price for some of the stuff I’ve got.

It’s $675, though, if you count my glasses. For the glasses, unfortunately, I paid retail.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

With as much “snivle gear” as the Army issues nowadays?? Probably close to 1k.

MissAusten's avatar

Shoes, $50, jeans, $30, shirt, $30, coat $60—$80 (depending which one I am wearing), socks $5, hat and gloves, $10. I lose my gloves all the time, so go through a few cheap pairs every winter.

If I’m wearing my snow boots, the total goes down. I got cheap ones at Wal-Mart a few years ago ($20 or so) but they are hideously ugly so I only wear them when I’m playing in the snow with the kids. Both of my winter coats are nice ones from Land’s End. One I bought on sale, and the other I bought at a consignment store. One is for playing in the snow, and the other is for everything else.

absalom's avatar

Shoes: 40
Socks: ?
Pants: 75
Boxers: ?
Gloves: ? (I just find a pair somewhere and put them on; who knows.)
Shirt: 28
Hoodie: 42
Coat: 109
Scarf: 39
Hat: 12

Total: $345 plus three question marks

Also consider adding a $3 cup of hot coffee which is almost invariably in-hand during wintertime and may as well be clothing.

Oh, and I live in Cleveland where it’s currently a warm 25F. It’s the wind that kills you, though.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Walmart jacket $20, LL Bean shoes, $29, Target turtleneck, $18, Walmart khakis, $19, Target socks $4, Patagonia gloves, $40—about $130. It’s 16 degrees.

MagsRags's avatar

It’s raining here in the Pacific Northwest, but not especially cold.
$4 – Turtleneck tee thrift shop
$10-Cashmere sweater thrift shop
$6 – Dockers pants thrift shop
$25 – Mephisto clogs eBay
$11 – Patagonia all weather rain parka thrift shop

When it’s colder, I layer an REI polar fleece vest under the parka – I traded in an unfortunate pair of Christmas slippers for it about 6 years ago – I think it retailed for about $80, which I would have had a hard time letting myself buy in normal circumstances.

I’m a really excellent thrift shopper. I do buy socks and undergarments new

tinyfaery's avatar

Hee hee hee…winter gear. Were having t-shirt weather here.

Jeans: ~$85 Lucky
T-shirt: ~$35 Disneyland
Converse: ~65 (they’re a special edition)

If I need a sweatshirt: ~$20 Target

I have yet to need a jacket. The one I have is meant for snow, so I only use it rarely. I have never needed it while in my local area.

ubersiren's avatar

I’m so cheap.

Coat- 50
pants- 9.99
shirt, socks, gloves, scarf, hat- free
Airwalks- 30
For a grand total of $90.

elizabethmae's avatar


Boots: 80
Socks: 5
Leggings: 12
Skirt: 25
Cami: 15
Sweater: 60
Gloves: FREE (cause I made them)
Wool Coat: 100
Scarf: 25

So that’s 322 before jewelry, hair products, make up and sunglasses.

Pretty low. I got some good deals on today!

I live in Spokane, WA and it is currently 24 F

sjmc1989's avatar

I’m in NC and it is pretty cold right now. Today I was wearing about $290 worth of clothes. It’s weird I never thought of this before.

JLeslie's avatar

Funny. When I lived in Florida nad wanted all of my friends to move down there I used to tell them how much cheaper it is to raise kids in FL because t-shirts and short are way cheaper than buying a new winter coat and sweaters every year. GQ.

Right now sitting my house:
Long johns $30
Sweatshirt $40
Slippers $20
blanket $40
space heater $40 (I think this counts, not to mention the tons of money I am spending to heat my house in general).

During the day today:
Turtle neck $20
Sweater $70
Jeans $60
coat $120
gloves $15
scarf $30
socks $10
shoes $60
If I was in the city and had to be outside walking around for any period of time I would wear long johns under my jeans.

gemiwing's avatar

Interesting question. I’ve never thought of this before.

I’m going to list what I paid and also retail since I don’t usually buy new.

Down coat- 10. (50 retail)
Long Johns- 3 (15)
Wool socks- 3 (8)
Jeans- 15 (35)
Tshirt- 3 (15)
Fleece- 5 (25)
Wool hat- 3 (15)
Boots- 95 (145)

So I paid 137 dollars for 300 dollars of clothes.
It would be less but the boots were only on a so-so sale. My boots they replaced I paid twenty dollars for. I’m still shocked how much money I wear in the winter. It does usually last me about five or six years so that’s not so bad I suppose.

knitfroggy's avatar

Honestly everything except my undershirt,underwear and socks were a hand me down from my sister, even my coat. She lost weight and gave me a whole lot of really nice stuff. I did wear a scarf and hat I knit, so that was maybe $10 worth of yarn I got on clearance a while back. I couldn’t buy anything as warm for that much. I also wore some gloves I bought at Walmart for, I think, about $1.50.they suck but I keep forgetting to buy some heavier ones! So I’m gonna say, way less than $20 is what my outfit cost me today. It was about 9 degrees in my part of the world today.

Jude's avatar

For night time/out

Long winter trench coat: 200
Carmen San Diego dress: 130
gotchies: 15
shoes: 40
gloves: 30

At home:
yoga pants (so comfy): 30
cotton cami: 20
gotchies: 15
New York hooded sweatshirt (at times): 60

YARNLADY's avatar

Disclaimer: I live where the days below 50 are few and far between. I haven’t spent $300 total over the past five years on all, yes, all my clothes. When I need clothes, which I hardly ever do, I go on or the Charity Thrift store, and pay less than $5 for any item, and usualy a full sack full for that amount.

ubersiren's avatar

@YARNLADY Freecycle is a great site!

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