Do you believe in soul mates?
You know, two people who are apparently “meant to be”. Do you you believe that this is actually possible?
I’ve heard the quote:
“According to greek mythology, humans were originally created with 4 arms, 4 legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.”
What do you think about that?
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30 Answers
My soul mates all the time.
No, I don’t believe in souls either. And even if I did I still wouldn’t believe it had a mate. People stay together for a number of reasons, the supernatural isn’t one.
Soul mates are real, its just people who happen to connect on lots of small commonalities. but its just a term, actual souls or the concept of the soul is nothing but a trick of the sentient mind. and the Zeus thing, just another creation story to try and account for different sexes in humans.
I got me one, so I guess I have to believe.
I don’t even believe in souls.
@timetodance ; Yes… And you feel the Complementary Energy when you lock eyes!
At a time I did, whole heartedly, then one broken heart later I decided I wasn’t so sure.
I admit there are people (exceedingly few) who I feel “drawn to” and an almost indescribable comfort and understanding with, without whom my life would be less in a way that could be covered but never filled, but I can’t necessarily say I’d call them a soul mate (especially with such a singular existence that I associate with the term).
I guess I’ve just come to believe that the, for lack of a better term, “true love” associated with a soul mate can exist with more than one person.
Yes, in my own way. No, in the conventional sense of the word. I don’t just believe “soul mates”, or whatever anyone wants to call them, are necessarily reserved for romantic partnerships, however. My best friend was one. We understood each other, to the deepest parts of… Us. It didn’t even take dialogue between us to know what the other thought about something, how one of us was feeling, etc. The amount of time I knew him seemed like forever, not just the actual amount of time I knew him. I mean… It seemed like I knew him before it was possible to even know him, if that makes any kind of sense. Like we met somewhere else, along the way, and happened to meet in this life, too. So many things, some describable, others not. So… Yes to soul mates, whatever they are, whatever it means.
Eh. Reading over that, it looks like babble. Too many things are still fresh in my mind from his death, and I’m not conveying myself well. Oh well.
Very true… @wonderingwhy – I currently have that connection with Three Woman, ok with the Wife as we have an Open marriage.
Yes I do. My Husband is mine. We belong together .
The common things come up and you feel immediately comfortable with each other and then spend time and it fly’s as if you have done it before…right @DrasticDreamer ?
Yeah, something like that. Uncommon things, too. Everything.
I didn’t believe in soul mates until I found mine in my wife, Vicky.
I love the idea of soul mates, but I am more attracted to the idea of kindred spirits. “Soul-mates” applies too much pressure for me. Kindred Spirits is something I can sink my teeth into easily, because to me it’s more people who we are meant to meet, rather than people we are supposed to be with.
I finally found quite by random chance a woman who turned out to be the other half of me. We came from entirely different backgrounds, and never lived anywhere near each other.
Despite my less than happy experiences with marriage, I still believed I could be happy in a long term relationship. After a period of a year of long distance relationship building, we chose a place to live together with our soul mates. This is not just a synonym for being codependent. Our experiences resonate with each other, both past and present ones.
Whatever you think of the term, the experience to which it refers is real and profoundly satisfying. I never knew what it feels like to be loved and to love someone unconditionally.
She will be coming home soon after a necessary absence due to a death in the immediate family far from where we now live.
When she takes in a deep breath, I feel my chest expand with air. That’s the kind of closeness we experience, no matter the physical distance between us. I hope each of you finds such joy in a relationship at some time during your life.
Yes, I believe in the idea of soul mates, but I think each person has more than one.
I like the idea of multiple kindred spirits but I cannot imagine there could ever be another soul mate such that we are so suited to each other like two odd shaped pieces that together complete a puzzle all by themselves.
@Dr_Lawrence Are you responding to me? Or, the thread in general?
I really believe in soul mates. Actually we meet a lot of people but when we choose a person with whom we can spend our life, he/she is our real soul mate. But often we see some people get divorced because it might happen that those people meet their soul mates in their later life and gets attracted towards them. They are destined to meet. Believe it or not God has selected a soul mate for everybody. Some people may deny it but can they explain why they get attracted to one particular person when maybe they are surrounded by more beautiful people?
@Dr_Lawrence I just think that thinking there is only one perfect person means that when someone dies, God forbid, or is dumped by a SO then the one left behind, if they buy into the whole beshert thing will feel no hope for a new SO. I love my husband intensely, can’t imagine being without him, am happy to spend 24/7 with him. We have been married 17 years. I feel like he is a soul mate. But, I don’t feel like he was the only person in the world who could be a match for me.
Fact from fiction, truth from diction. I do not believe in the single soul mate ideal. The odds of you running into your soul mate would be like of you had a industrial dump truck full of ping pong balls that were all white except one red and one blue one placed at opposite ends if the hopper, then you backed the dump truck up to a deep large ditch and dumped them all in, after dumping then in there having the blue one land right next to the red one through all the white ones. What are the odds of that happening that way?
Imagine that you have the luck to have your soul mate just happen to be born in the same town in all the towns of the world or even the same country and having you cross paths, the luck of that would be better than a lotto statistic wise. I think a person has multiple candidates for soul mates and not all are born in the same generation or even the same country.
Logically there must be more than one person with whom you can experience that soul mate kind of experience. The chances of having that kind of lightening strike you twice in a lifetime is probably ow considering how few ever find a mate that feels like they were designed for you alone. Most couples just make do with what they find.
Yes. I believe that there is someone out there who is completly fit for another in a physical, emotional, and spiritual fashion. It’s something you just feel and you know that a person is absolutly perfect for you, and that no one else could fit in your heart like that.
@Hypocrisy_Central Why do you always start out your posts that way? It gives a false sense of omniscience, that you’re speaking the only truth there is. Kinda… ridiculious, don’t you think?
@avvooooooo Oh really? I should speak at you if I feel what I say to you is a lie? I believe what I say to anyone if as much truth in it as truth allows, if anyone thinks it is a lie I welcome them to come with the facts and the logic to prove that. For me it is quite relevant, but this is the US of A and the Constitution affords me as much right to say it as it does you to ignore, hate, or question it. Ain’t America great? :-D
I like it. I especially like that it doesn’t seem to mean anything.
@pdworkin Why thank you what it means is that people keep noticing it even when they don’t care to because it is not anything anyhow :-D
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