When was the last time you received a hand written letter?
This may be a long one folks, maybe put the kettle on…
So this question has been prompted by @Janbb’s question on communication and availability (It is an excellent question, go have a look) and it got me thinking of letter writing because to be quite honest I can’t remember the last time someone wrote me a letter and no bank statements are not included.
I remember how great it felt to know that someone had sat down and thought about what they had to say to me, to the appearance of someone else’s handwriting on paper rather than virtual text on a screen. When I was younger I had a penpal in America and we would write together using different colour pens and send each other artifacts from our countries and I miss that dearly.
My question is to you when was the last time you recieved a letter? Do you in fact still recieve them? Or do you prefer the email culture?
Another suggestion I was contemplating was a Fluther penpal club, for everyone who likes the idea to put there names in and for everyone to get someone to write to, no letters of complete sillyness or anything x-rated there will be no moderators of this of course but of intelligence and humour of the simple need to tell someone something about yourself.
Or am I simply rambling and coming up with nonsensical ideas?
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31 Answers
Played correspondence chess with a life inmate. That was about 15 years ago. (I oughta do that again. Correspondence Chess with Prisoners: http://mountfurnicu.net )
My mom includes some long notes in her Christmas and birthday cards.
Its true. I use to write all the time but I don’t do it as much. I really don’t remember the last time someone wrote me a letter except in a birthday card.
I like your idea of writing letters but in this day and age of idenity theft with just a little information, such as full name and legal address, I’m afraid that is a thing of the past.
My grandma writes to me every few weeks or so. I should be better about writing to her, but when I send her photos of my kids or recipes, I include a letter. We talk on the phone a couple of times a week though, so when I write to her I usually don’t have anything new or interesting to say.
Two days ago, a thank you note from a very dear friend.I feel bad for people who don’t get to experience that pleasure.
I got a letter just a few days ago from my aunt. I love Christmas time because of all of the personal communications that come.
I recieve regular letters from my property manager en Francais. She’s even more of a cyber-Luddite than I am. I’m thankful for the opportunity to retain my French language skills, at least in written form. Genevive is introducing a flock of Merinos on the farm; I’ll probably never learn the English words for the technicalities of raising sheep.
It has sadly been many Years.
Last week. A former co-worker who just moved to Florida for her retirement wrote me back after I inquired as to how she was doing.
The last letter I received was, coincidentally enough, this past Christmas, hand written no less. It was from a very close friend that, I’m ashamed to say, I had lost touch with over the last two years. It was a wonderful epistle on nearly everything that has happened with her since we’ve been out of touch from where she’s at and how she’s been to her thoughts and emotions both good and bad on all that has come to pass and of her hopes for the future. It was a lovely and touching and most unexpected christmas gift that has since prompted a like reply and hopefully a reunion of sorts in the coming months.
Though I am fully entrenched in the email culture and have no intentions of backsliding, I was shocked at how happy I was receiving that piece of mail, likely because it has been many years since I received anything of similar sort, and your question has prompted me to realize that having received it as such was as much a part of the experience as the contents.
Thanks for the GQ and I hope your paper pen pal club takes off.
@saraaaaaa In a simpler age, your idea would be wonderful. In this era of identity theft and cyber-stalking…alas, no. So many of us are forced to use firewalls, proxy servers, etc. in self-defense.
Recently. My nieces were in college and I would put together care packages for them (Dried fruit, granola, etc) and I always got a handwritten thank you note from one of them. It was nice. I have to think on the question you referred to, but I think its going to come down to one word: balance
I have several waiting for me at home. I almost feel bad about that. They came over the break while I was gallivanting about.
My husband’s grandmother always writes a little letter in her Christmas, birthday, and thank you cards. She is so sweet and thoughtful. My sister will occasionally send me a handwritten letter, and hers are lengthy! Also, my aunt sent me one a few months ago. I love getting hand written notes! I also enjoy writing them. I’m a big fan of the written thank-you note.
I actually heard that employers nowadays appreciate handwritten follow up letters to interviews. It seems to be something that’s coming back into style.
One of the best things in life is to get something in the mail with your name on it, that isn’t a bill. I have about 14 pen pals who I write snail mail to. (actually many of them Jellies) I am obsessed with letter writing. I own over 16 different types of stationary as well. It never gets old for. The best part is when I get a letter back!
Two days ago. Late Christmas letter.
@mattbrowne See, isn’t Christmas communication wonderful?
I have gotten two in the past three days. A birthday card with a long note attached and a letter from a friend who does not own a computer.
I got one from @IBERnineD not too long ago. I loved it!
@Dr_C yea! So where is mine??
@IBERnineD still looking for the perfect object to send along with it. It’s written.. but it needs company :)
About 2 months ago I received a letter, two pages long and it was hand written. I’d rather receive something hand written than through e-mail, especially if it’s personal. I use to write hand written letters to my father, but that was a long time ago, before I had a cell phone. =/ I also use to write hand written stories in high school.
I still do, occasionally, but now that school is starting again, I won’t have time.
When I was younger I had a fascination with quill pens.
Gosh. I can’t remember.
I switched to typing in around 1974, mainly because I couldn’t read my own handwriting. If anything, it’s only gotten more cryptic since.
From my best friend. It was extremely heartfelt and emotional, which means the world to me, because he killed himself less than a month ago. I’m heartbroken, because I can’t find it anywhere. I truly hope I can find it someday.
Last week. I received a handwritten thank-you note. And I wrote three thank-you notes and a letter by hand.
I did get a hand written thank you note from one of my Son’s Teacher’s this week.
She is a special person. Unfortunately she came back from maternity leave and now she is going back on.
She is actually his OT and she is a special person .
Over the years I always thought that a hand written letter was friendlier. This year for the first time my wife and I sent our our holiday greetings via both email and snail mail. Within days we received a large number of responses via email – far more than in the over 20 years we used to send them via regular mail. So I’m changing my attitude about email being somehow inferior to real mail. The important part isn’t the media – it’s the message and the thought that goes into it.
The last hand written letter I recieved was from someone I was dating and he really put thought in to it. Scenting it with cologne or attaching things of significance. He was a real romantic. It definitely felt good receiving them I never knew when he mailed them out so the anticipation was nice. I loved replying as well. I love writing and think we are moving further away from the things that actually require time and effort. I remember having to go to the library to read encyclopedia’s to get book report info. Nowadays it’s all a google search away. Sigh.. I hope the simplicity of it all is not lost forever.
I just got one today from a patient. I’m thinking of having it framed!
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