Social Question

Becoming strict on myself?
Well, in my other question a little while ago I was talking about my little sister, and little brother moving in with grandma and after talks with her and social worker it seems things are going to work out.
I will still live in the area if anything comes to happen I am not far away, but after some thinking I do believe you were correct in saying I need to build myself.
Now my main question is how do I become different?
I want to explain that I feel average at best, and rather inferior.So I have been thinking of cutting off ALMOST all connections and to put simply all bull shit aside.
Only 3 things will I focus on Work, School , Music. The end.And I plan to have music on the back burner while I earn something in Science via college. Since I have decided I need a cushion or back up.
I have plans to make a clock schedule where I always have a timer set, 30 mins practice, study , this or that. No time will go to waste anymore!
I also have plans to further cut out all excess things, like large cell phone bills,eating-out,internet,TV, basically only essentials.
I may keep a laptop since I play to give the computer and other things to my siblings.I enjoy recording my music though.
I guess this may seem extreme? But in the last years while worrying about my siblings, I myself have became lazy and complacent. Pathetic.And I can ONLY blame myself.
I was hoping the fine people at fluther as they have helped me before can give me some thoughts or ideals on changing one’s self. I want a new Steve!