Social Question

6rant6's avatar

Do you trust anyone enough for them to convince you you're crazy?

Asked by 6rant6 (13710points) January 8th, 2010

We all know about mental illness – depression, psychosis, paranoia… If we read or watch TV we know a hundred stories about someone coming unhinged and instead of thinking, “Oh there’s something wrong with my brain!” they think they’re being directed by God, or aliens, or that everyone they know is conspiring against them.

So my question is, do you have someone in your life who could sit you down and say, Dude, you’re delusional,” whom you would believe?

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7 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Yes, I do. Because I believe that I would be questioning my own sanity if I was delusional.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Absolutely, two people come to mind: my husband and my best friend.

Snarp's avatar

My wife could convince me, but it wouldn’t be easy. The hard part is that you have to look hard at yourself and put aside your natural defensiveness. My wife could get me to do that, I think.

aprilsimnel's avatar

There’s two people I could depend upon for that, one of my friends and a sister.

trailsillustrated's avatar

absolutely not, I would know if I was delusional

ninjacolin's avatar

i would believe anyone who could prove it to me.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

My own wife diagnosed me with Aspergers Syndrome, I trusted Meg absolutely in all things.

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