Social Question

njnyjobs's avatar

Why do motorists drive on parkways and park on driveways?

Asked by njnyjobs (7592points) January 9th, 2010

Who’s bright idea was it to label this things/places? and why do people took and continue to take it?

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9 Answers

wonderingwhy's avatar

for the same reason palindrome isn’t spelled the same way backwards as forwards.

dpworkin's avatar

It is an outrage. I plan to write an angry letter to the Times.

gailcalled's avatar

The same person who decided that “whose” and “who’s” mean two different things.

Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

The better question is; why fight in battles you cannot win? Just go with the flow and everything will seem ok in the end.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

George Carlin is responsible.

Trillian's avatar

@AstroChuck. You are correct. I believe I saw this question on AB.

cookieman's avatar

Which reminds me…

If you’re Jewish and dyslexic, is Passover simply a bridge?

reactor5's avatar

@Shield_of_Achilles seem alright. Yes it will.

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