Social Question

john65pennington's avatar

Are you being "held" by a controlling person?

Asked by john65pennington (29283points) January 9th, 2010

So many women are being “held” against their will in relationships. many women have no place to go, so they think they have no choice but to contend with being controlled. does your controller give you money, a cellphone, car keys, allow you to have friends or are you being held in a prison “without bars”?

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10 Answers

Spinel's avatar

The gal who lives next to me is in a relationship like that. He doesn’t offer her anything. She stays out of fear. I’ve seen him grab her neck with both hands and threaten to send her to heaven the hard way. She still insists that it will all work out…he still loves her deep in his heart – the economy has hardened it on the surface – that’s all. To this day I still bring biscuits over when he’s at work…I want her to know I’m there if she ever sees the light.

In my case, I have never been in a relationship like that. I inherited my mother’s good “people instincts,”, and that along with a solid “no” both have served me many times.
Controllers target naive, quiet, shy or gullible woman. They attract women who just want to be loved more than anything. Thankfully, none of those categories fit me. As I age I become more thankful for who I am. There are benefits to being me.

marinelife's avatar

No, I would not stay in a relationship like that.

dutchbrossis's avatar

My Ex was very controlling. Tried to turn me against all my friends and family slowly. I truly felt like I wasn’t strong enough to leave. People like that wear you down, and if they are “good” at it, they do it slowly to where you don’t realize what is happening until you are completely under their control. That is what he did to me. Luckily I met a wonderful person who built me back up and eventually I was able to get away from my horrible Ex.

AnonymousWoman's avatar

Not at all. In my relationship, I can up and leave anytime I want. I know a girl who acted as though she was held hostage, even though that was the furthest thing from the truth. I don’t always trust women/girls who make huge claims like that because of girls like this. I’m not denying that it happens, though. It definitely does and has and will (most likely) unfortunately happen in the future.

rangerr's avatar

Not anymore :D

jamielynn2328's avatar

Men are 4x more likely to kill their wife or girlfriend than women are. Domestic abuse and control is a serious real issue. If a women is crying out for help, please try and do anything that you can to instill some confidence and reality in their minds and hearts. These women are more likely to commit suicide. And about 60% of women who are murdered each year are killed by their spouse or intimate partner.

Your_Majesty's avatar

I tend to avoid these kind of person although it’s not always men who play this role,parents too sometimes could be too possessive toward their child only with reason it’s for their own goodness. The fact is that we own our own life not HIM,unless you depends all your life on him.

Jude's avatar

Never have, never will. I’m too damn feisty and independent. I got a mind of my own, thank-you for much. It won’t happen. I tend not to associate with the controlling types, anyhow.

avengerscion's avatar

I recently learned that I close friend had been physically abused on a variety of occassions including while pregnant. I was shocked because she is generally a very strong individual and doesn’t put up with other people’s crap. Ultimately, she claimed the reason for staying was to avoid living with family. The guy was in and out of work, did very little for their child, had no money to offer since half his paychecks went to child support for another child (he refused to go back to court and have the amount reduced after having a second child), and when he was home he was always outside in the garage working on vehicles. I don’t see what he offered in the least. My friend now lives with her mother and is finally pursuing a degree.

bigboss's avatar

im being held by a controlling person… mom hugs me all the time.

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