Whats it gonna be, toilet seat up or toilet seat down?
You’d think after being married to the same woman for 44 years that we would finally have come to a conclusion about the toilet seat. years ago, we agreed that i would lower the seat, when finished and she would raise the seat when she was finished. i am happy to say that i am doing my part, but my better half is not. is this commonplace with everyone? whats your secret to sucess?
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25 Answers
No need to move the seat if the man has good aim, except when he’s drunk and should be responsible for lowering the seat after himself.
The toilet always looks more attractive with the seat down but hey, if you don’t want to touch it, I can understand that but I figure you are going to have to touch it anyway to put it down for her.
I agree that toilets look better with the seat down. Even though I have my own private bathroom at home, I still keep the seat down as the default position. In all the other bathrooms in our house that are shared, the toilet seats are always kept down. It’s just the way we do it and no one seems to complain about it. Spending a millisecond lifting up the toilet seat isn’t the worst thing in the world…
Toilets just look better with their mouths shut!
My husband knows there would be consequences if I stumble into the bathroom and the toilet seat is left up…dire consequences
Ewww, yeah, under the toilet seat is so gross looking. There is always a stray pube there for some reason and I shave so it isn’t me! * shudder *
I kind of don’t give a damn anymore when I go to sit down in the middle of the night, trying not to turn on any lights and find my ass on the hard porcelain and slipping towards the water. grrrrrrrrrrrrr! I’ve had fabulously cooperative partners in the past who would put the seat down after but they had other things to make them not my partners anymore so now I’m going to try and let this one thing go and appreciate the man for all else he has positive going.
With dogs in the house, it is always a good idea to put everything down when there isn’t a bottom blocking access to the water. Saves the up or down argument, hehehe!
Who honestly gives a shit? Pun not intended.
As a single dad of two, a boy and a girl, with occasional guests, permanent and temporary, I’ve come to this compromise: we all leave it down and shut with the lid as well. That way it is more esthetically pleasing to come to, and we all, men and women, “start from scratch.”
Why is this an issue with people?
It kind of baffles me that people actually considers leaving the lid up, not only the ring, but the lid. Just close the toilet when you are done both of you. Why would anyone want to have an open toilet? Do you close doors after yourself? Keep the oven open?
Why does it need to be open and waiting for you to just sit down?
Toilet seat down. Looking at an open toilet (if even a clean one) makes me wanna gag… must be PTSD from college.
@rooeytoo beat me to it. I, too, was going to point out that if you have dogs, especially tall dogs, everybody in the house needs to put both seat and lid down. It’s bad enough that dogs lick themselves down there and then want to lick your face, but then they want to grab a drink from the toilet (or a snack, depending on whether it has been flushed recently) and come lick your face.
This doesn’t bother me in the slightest. If he leaves it up, I will put it down, simple!
I really don’t care. It’s a toilet for goodness sake.
@Zen_Again How is it fair to incur extra work on the man, and not the woman?
I think the fairest thing is if everyone gets to leave the toilet seat the way they wish, and nobody bugs anyone else about their preferences.
@nisse, you think having to put the seat & lid up at the same time is extra work? :-/
I usually leave it closed, but I don’t think it’s gross for it to be open; I know it’s clean since I’m the one who cleans it. Also it apparently has never occurred to any of my dogs that it could be a water dish, so that’s not a consideration, although as I said, usually the lid is down. I have, however, learned to ensure that the seat, at least, is down during nighttime excursions. Sitting on cold porcelain wakes me up too much.
Of all the things happening in my mad-house, the toilet seat being up or down is pretty low down on the list of stuff to worry about! lol
Actually what I really hate is when someone pees on the seat or on the floor next to the toilet, and doesn’t even try to clean it up. At our house that would be my son.
@ccrow I usually do number one more than number two, so it’s most convenient if i can just go in and do my business without having to break my back bending over to pick up a cold lid. So yes, putting up/down the seat and lid incurs extra work for me.
My preference is to have both lid and seat up, and i don’t have any dogs or kids to worry about, although I do have a girlfriend. I’m perfectly ok with you (or my girlfriend) prefering to close the lid or fold the seat or whichever you like, but I don’t see how forcing your preference on another could be deemed fair.
@nisse do you have a bad back? If so, I understand that it would be extra work! :-) I don’t force a preference, as implied by my post above: “I have, however, learned to ensure that the seat, at least, is down” We should all consider ourselves fortunate if this is the biggest problem we have w/our SOs!
Reasonably, women (especially me with a small bladder) sit on the toilet more often, and even men have to sit to poo, so why not ensure the seat is down? Again, if men have decent aim, then why put the seat up? It’s bothersome for women who have to put the seat down every time when men only have to put it down when they poo (which is probably less often than women peeing).
It’s never an issue in my house. If I need to use the toilet then I am quite capable of putting the toilet seat down if it is up and my boyfriend is quite capable of lifting it up if it is down. I can never understand why this is an issue seeing as arranging the toilet to your preference takes all of a second!
@avengerscion No one has good enough aim to hit the hole in the lid 100% of the time, there is always splatter (even if you don’t see it), and most people prefer not to sit in their urine. Thats why they invented the lid in the first place, otherwise the toilet lid would be a part of the toilet seat.
With that in mind, your argument makes no sense; Men have to fold up the lid after women and women have to fold the lid down after men. The workload is equal for both sexes. I dont see where the issue with unfairness is.
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