General Question

poisonedantidote's avatar

What is the best way to totally and permanently ruin your own life?

Asked by poisonedantidote (21685points) January 10th, 2010

If you where to write a guide or instructions on the best way to ruin your life, what instructions would you give?

please try to cover as many problems as possible, to help make things as bad as they can be.

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47 Answers

Spinel's avatar

10 easy steps:

1. As a child, trough as many tantrums in public as you can.
And stop taking baths or showers.
2. In school, goof off and pretend grades don’t matter. Pull the fire alarm as often as possible.
3. When you learn how to drive, crash as often as possible.
4. Get hooked on drugs and alcohol. Let the drugs seep in…can’t you feel your brain deteriorating yet? If not, go waste all your savings and buy more.
5. Girls: Met a guy who is sure to abandon you and get pregnant.
Guys: Go for it full speed and get a STD as soon as possible.
6. At college, apply for a credit card. Then run up a cell phone debt. Make sure its gets bigger and bigger.
7. Drop out of collage from bad grades. Live in your used car, and indulge in what you know will hurt you later.
8. Attempt to work at Wal-Mart, but make sure you fail.
9. Make plenty of enemies or get AIDS, either one is good.
10. Once you find out the common cold will you because the AIDS virus disabled your immune system, become a suicide bomber for a good cause. Make sure to write good-bye letters to your friends and family and say how awfully they have treated you during your life before you go on your final mission.

For more information call 1–800-RuinYourLifeNow for a special educational package! Only $19.95!

engineeristerminatorisWOLV's avatar

Some means to do that are Drugs,alcohol,weeds or tobbaco in any form,casual sex and last but not the least,bad company.

DrMC's avatar

just use heroine. The rest will take care of itself.

Mat74UK's avatar

Get Married!

saranwrapper's avatar

Listen to Ryan Seacrests radio show and then quote it throughout the day. All relationships will fail and your self esteem with plummit.

nebule's avatar

Judge everyone and everything in a negative fashion… you will eventually hate everything about life…and want it to end…

ucme's avatar

Marry an alcoholic Alaskan, probably~

Pazza's avatar

Sign up, go to afghanistan, get your arms an legs blown off, come back to rehab and no compensation, and then go back to civie street.

chyna's avatar

Become a meth or heroin user. Within about 2 years your life should be completely messed up and those around you will have given up.

BluRhino's avatar

Yes, drugs and alcohol will definitely put you on the fast track to misery. Also I woud recommend getting a large facial tattoo, eating only fast food, start smoking, not speaking at all except to say “f*** off!”, not wearing a seat belt, ignoring stop signs and the like, and in no time at all, your life will have changed radically..(you might have fun for a bit at first; sorry)

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Duplicate the life of Janis Joplin.

Cruiser's avatar

You will screw yourself bad if….

Wash the red shirt with your whites….
Set the glass of red wine on the coffee table next to you so you can show off your River Dance moves.
Tell your neighbor what you really think of them the day you move in.
You drink and drive

wonderingwhy's avatar

Ignore common sense in every possible instance.

robaccus's avatar

Ruin someone else’s

filmfann's avatar

Screw up a suicide attempt.
I read years ago that an airline pilot did this. He tried to blow his brains out, but survived. However, he blinded himself in the process.

Pazza's avatar

Why didn’t he just try again?
if at first you don’t suceed….

iphigeneia's avatar

Definitely start doing recreational drugs. Better yet, deal them too. Even better, get caught smuggling them to Singapore.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@filmfann Flyboy was probably using some puny piece of shit pistol. Use a .44 Magnum with hollow points 1000fps or a 12 gauge shotgun, buckshot or rifled slug. A job worth doing is worth doing correctly.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Refuse to recognize the personal boundaries of others, or that they are entitled to have them.

Don’t graduate from high school; blow off school for video games and dealing drugs to your classmates. Then, don’t pay your suppliers.

Expect your parents to get you out of trouble. When they can’t, burglarize your parent’s household, and beat your mother and stepfather to near-death with a flashlight.

Refuse to have sex with a condom, impregnate five women before the age of 21, with three giving birth in the same month.

Merriment's avatar

Convince yourself utterly and completely that the world “owes” you something.
Be petulant when you don’t get your “fair” share.
Hold others accountable for your feelings.
Wait for said others to fix all that is wrong in your life.
Sit on your thumb and wait for the other guy to determine the course of your life.
Teach all these same dysfunctions to your children so you have their issues to keep you miserable in your golden years.

mattbrowne's avatar

Losing control over your own life, for example because of an addiction to drugs.

stemnyjones's avatar

If you are addicted to drugs or alcohol, I would say the best way to ruin your life is to not get help.

If you aren’t addicted, the best way to ruin your life is to get addicted then repeat step above.

mattbrowne's avatar

@stemnyjones – Great answer.

stemnyjones's avatar

@mattbrowne Thanks. It’s a little unnerving to see so many people talking about how addicts should be given up on after a few years. I’m an addict and I’m alive because I wasn’t given up on…

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

1. Become pregnant/father a child in your teens
2. Marry a person out of responsibility, gratitude or default rather than love
2. Become addicted to———and permanently change the brain chemistry
3. Take up relationships to experience and become inured to the most typical abuses
4. Out of rebellion, take up the vices of your abusers and become addicted to even more bad things and behaviors
5. Alienate your friends and family to the point you have mostly acquaintances who are only interested in you when “the party’s on”.
6. Start acting out on your extreme urges even though you know they’re destructive
7. Start job hopping
8. Stop paying taxes
9. Take up a religion hoping for some sort of deliverance from yourself
10. Suicide

Aside from suicide, it’s my experience and opinion that most everything else can be recovered from, worked with, re programmed and re oriented.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@stemnyjones Great answer and congratulations again on your “clean” anniversary and your beautiful baby

tinyfaery's avatar

As long as you are living you can always turn your life around. I know many people who have followed the above lists and have managed to repair their lives and relationships.
Therefore, suicide is the only way to absolutely destroy your life.

Dr_Dredd's avatar

Become a sex offender. Even after you get out of prison, you’ll have to put your name on a registry that will ensure you can’t get a decent place to live or any sort of job. You will be a pariah forever.

Allie's avatar

I think ending your life would be a pretty sure way to ruin it.

UScitizen's avatar

Hang around Fluther all day.

Pazza's avatar


Thats me! I’m doooooooooomed.

nayeight's avatar

Man, reading this is really depressing. :/

DrMC's avatar

LOL, nay

Blondesjon's avatar

Death is the only thing that can permanently ruin your life.

wundayatta's avatar

Get caught cheating with your wife’s best friend. Don’t try to apologize. Get kicked out. Get depressed, lose your job. Without a way to get clean, everyone starts ostracizing you. End up on the streets, drinking or using drugs to dull the pain. After a period of homelessness, die lying in a gutter somewhere.

Marie123's avatar

- Ruin your credit.
– Enter a relationship with someone suicidal.
– Drink all the time then come home and beat your children and your wife, years later after they’ve escaped….you’re sitting on the side of the road drinking a Hurricane by yourself and you cant get a job anywhere now that youve decided to man up to life.
– Kill a young family while drinking and driving.
– Get raped and pregnant and abortion isnt an option for you for whatever reason.

mattbrowne's avatar

@stemnyjones – That’s wonderful. Your success might inspire others to follow your way!

stemnyjones's avatar

@mattbrowne That’s what I hope. :)

DrMC's avatar

Stemny, few could do what you did. I get to see the other side. The ones that are ruined or dead.

This is a very downbeat sortof question. Try to keep the spark.

BTW ignore my offensive icon. I was in a “mood” when I put it in.

stemnyjones's avatar

@DrMC Well, maybe you’re seeing the wrong crowd. I’ve seen hundreds who have done what I’ve did, just in my small town in Louisiana.

ipodtouchh4x0r's avatar

do drugs, then youre screwed forevah

stemnyjones's avatar

@ipodtouchh4x0r Really? I did drugs, a lot of them, and I’m not screwed ‘forevah’.

ipodtouchh4x0r's avatar

well, do meth… thatll REALLY screw you FOREVER… did a research project on it, and yeah… its pretty darn bad. :)

stemnyjones's avatar

@ipodtouchh4x0r Yeah, if you do it for too long and permanently damage yourself mentally – but I know plenty of recovering meth addicts who do well as long as they don’t relapse.

talljasperman's avatar

you don’t need to do anything all you have to do is wait… someone will help you for that for free

nebule's avatar

Somebody once told me when I was pregnant that if I had the baby I would ruin my life forever… I didn’t obviously…She couldn’t have been more wrong… Theo has enriched my life beyond all imagination. Even though at the time I thought it was probably not the best idea. So I have to say that having a baby would certainly NOT be one way to do it… just thought I’d add that….

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