What keeps you on Fluther? The community? The questions? The site itself? Something else?
Asked by
Spinel (
January 10th, 2010
I’m not asking what you love about Fluther, I’m asking what drives you back to Fluther everyday. Why do you keeping coming back? What is attracts you to Fluther day after day?
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29 Answers
I love asking and answering questions but most of all I love the quality of the majority of questions and answers on Fluther. There are many people here that, even if I don’t agree with them all the time, I thoroughly enjoy reading their input and it inspires me to answer questions as thoughtfully as possible. I have learnt a lot.
Mostly just answering the questions and giving my opinions on issues, even if they’re not always wanted.
The sobering thought of how much i’d be missed if I ever were to leave.~ That & the endearing way everybody gets along like one big disfunctional but contented family.
I like to read the questions people ask. I find a lot of the questions very interesting even if I don’t really have anything to add. I also get a laugh every time I’m here, it never fails, and who doesn’t love to laugh?
Fluther is the closest thing to social contact that I have. It gives me some sense of community and a chance to interact with intelligent people. I am reminded that there are others living with the same problems I have, and worse. The wonderful folks here encouraging me to just keep putting one foot in front of the other is my daily reality check. I “lurve” you all! +GQ
I found that I love answering the questions. I also love the community. The two together keep me coming back.
I just love interacting with people, no matter whether I agree with what they are saying or not.
I swear it’s something they put in the water! I’ve got course prep to do and I keep coming back here…...
On Fluther, people actually discuss things. They may not always get along but there’s usually respect for each other. So that’s what brings me here, I can ask anything and not feel smacked on the hand, I can read interesting debates/discussions on a variety of topics, I can get a good laugh at times as well.
I also like that it makes me write better. I’m far more careful with grammar and vocabulary here than anywhere else. It doesn’t mean I write perfectly, just that I try harder here!
Day after day? Heck with that, I have to check in a few times a day. With all the traffic lately, there are so many questions and I don’t wanna miss anything..
For me, it’s the whole package that appeals to me here. The Jellies themselves are wonderful people, all the opportunities to answer and comment on so many diverse, interesting, and stimulating questions and topics, the neat and clean appearance of the site, the excellent moderation, and an online community that is second to none.
The people, the questions, the answers, the back and forth, the lurve, the PMs, the blog, the pancakes, the avatars, the friends I’ve made here, and even the flame-baiters and trolls.
@AstroChuck Pancakes? No one told me about the pancakes :(
@AstroChuck And that cute little six year old who’s so gosh-darned clever is one of the things that keeps me here!
Sites like Fluther are a virtual classroom for me. This type of format exposes me to all kinds of new unexplored topics, points of view and styles of communication.
the ability to interact with people whilst sitting naked on the couch.
The questions – such good questions!
The colors on the site. The blues are calming and the layout is very clean and crisp.
The people sometimes, the questions sometimes and sometimes it’s just habit. Eight times out of ten there are questions I find interesting so that helps to keep me hooked.
I can usually at least count on a chuckle or two as well. Yet another lure.
Well, it used to be the questions, but then I got to know the people. As it is now, the people are the only reason I come back at all anymore. (The questions used to be much better than they are now. Yeah, I said it.) To be honest, I spend more time in the Fluther chat than I do on the actual site.
The chance to have someone say hello to me. Someone, that is, who is interested in what I think about relationship issues.
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