Nerds and geeks are actually not scientific classifications. These words are common names for eggheads that look alike to the casual eye.
A nerd is used to describe medium-sized eggheads with long thin legs. There are many species of Egghead that are called geeks – the Mingling Nerd », the Dubious Nerd », Wood Nerds, Pack Nerds, the Kangaroo Nerd (yes, the Kangaroo Nerd. You heard me.) and many, many others. These different Egghead species may not be closely related to each other at all!
A geek is used to describe tiny, sparrow-sized Eggheads with long thin extremities. As with nerds, there are many species of Eggheads called geek which may or may not be closely related to each other: The Karate Geek », The Fashion Geek », Science Geek », Puffing Geek, Roll Playing Geek, and Dawson’s Geek are all called Geeks.
Generally, people are referring to the domesticated Nerds and Geeks, which means the Common Nerd (Nerdus Vulgaris) » , The Book Nerd (Nerdus Scrollus) » The Computer Nerd (Nerdus Nerdus) », and the House Nerd (Nerdus Domus) ».
Their natural enemies are the Jocks » , the Meany (Bully Bullus Bullocks) », and the
(Bully Bandanas) » and otherwise angry people who are beefy with fantastic skin and such that makes you go Awww but you know you shouldn’t cause it’s wrong wrong wrong and they are mean.
And then there’s the Bill… ».
Both the Geek and the Nerd are mostly found indoors.
Or in space.
Edit: Oh yeah, right! There might be a difference, but I got lost and I am not sure anymore. Or I forgot. One of those.