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JLeslie's avatar

Did you see the Oprah episode about how people live around the world?

Asked by JLeslie (65851points) January 10th, 2010

I am curious which country appealed to you most and why? And, please state what country you live in now.

I tried to find a link for a video of the show, and I could not find it in it’s entirety, but here is a link where you can see different sections of it: Denmark, Dubai, and some others.

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11 Answers

SamIAm's avatar

was this the episode about different mothers?

delirium's avatar

Dubai makes me incredibly sad, to be honest. It, at one point, had incredible biodiversity and was really biologically fascinating. Now it’s more or less a tragedy. Species that lived only there have been essentially obliterated for a temple to overspending and unecological thinking.

It just breaks my heart.

JLeslie's avatar

@Samantha_Rae I don’t think that is the same episode, although maybe they all did have children? Not sure. It was women around the world who were interviewed. Denmark spoke of leaving babies outside with no fear of someone taking them, and leaving work by 5:00 every day, very few “things” around the house, no clutter, most people were atheists. Brazil was very religious, emphasis on being physically fit, and lots of “stuff” like perfume bottles on the bathroom vanity. Dubai the whole extended family lived near each other and the mother-in-law had a central kitchen that cooked all meals for the entire extended family living in different homes, and they did Japan, and a couple more I think.

JLeslie's avatar

@delirium Interesting. No one really talks about that concerning Dubai.

RedPowerLady's avatar

I’m going for the country where bigger in size is better! hehe
I’m just joking but I do see that as a healthier mindset for body image, or not necessarily healthier but refreshing (esp. compared the to the high plastic surgery in brazil).

JLeslie's avatar

Denmark was very appealing to me. It seemed so civilized, just too cold, and the competition is crazy. They are beautiful.

delirium's avatar

@JLeslie I know. That bothers me. It’s climatically dangerous and just plain sad in general. The wonder gecko is an excellent example of this.

I long to someday see/interact with a wild one, but I doubt I’ll have the chance.

SamIAm's avatar

@JLeslie : i cannot remember if that is the same episode. the one i am thinking of was from a long time ago, probably 3 years or so.
But in reference to that, the one woman who stood out to me the most was an African lady (i think) who carried a basket with 200lbs of goods,on her head and walked, uphill for 2 miles without shoes… just to make enough money to support her children, and it was all for the equivalent of about 25 cents a day. This image has stuck in my mind for all these years because it is amazing to see how much women are willing to sacrifice to make others comfortable, and keep them alive. hearing this kind of story and then seeing how other women/mothers (specifically in America, because that is all i really know… and of course not all!!! don’t get me wrong) like Casey Anthony from Florida, or that recent crazy lady who told her ex that she was going to kill their son (who is now missing) ... or even my own mother (lady never could get her shit together, selfish) can be so caught up in themselves… when their lives really aren’t that tough.

It’s really interesting to see how others live, and it puts things in perspective for me at least. what are we going to do without Oprah??? :)

Likeradar's avatar

@JLeslie I didn’t see the whole episode, but I remember thinking Denmark looked amazing. To live in a society where you can leave your baby napping outside? Wow.

Trance24's avatar

I was only around to see the parts on Dubai and Denmark. I did however really admire Denmark. It must be nice to live in a country with little materialistic value, and more concerns circulating around your family and loved ones. I also found it comforting that there is little worry about child abduction and molestation. I also found it not surprising but interesting that they are mainly atheist, and are also considered the happiest people on Earth. Just goes to show you, you do not need religion to make you happy or a good person.

The women also made me re-evaluate my perceptions on marriage. I am all about falling in love and getting married, where they were more about being with the person than worried about having a ring and a piece of paper. This makes me think more about just finding a person that I can be with and be happy.

Their country also has a very good health system and education system, something you do not find in many countries. I live in America and if it weren’t for me being financially disadvantaged I would be paying for college out the nose. Many people I know do not even have health coverage. The people of Denmark may pay higher income tax, but I think it is a price worth paying to ensure that everyone has health care and access to a good education.

ItsAHabit's avatar

I’m half Danish and have visited Denmark several times. Oprah may have glossed over the fact that the taxes are confiscatory and that, unless they live on a farm, most Danes live in tiny apartments. These are in apartment buildings not apartment complexes with swimming pools, clubhouses, tennis courts, etc. The government decides what health care you will or will not get…period. And relatively few Danes have cars. To some people, the grass is always greener elsewhere. But I’ve travelled widely around the world on every continent and I’m always glad to return to the U.S., even with its imperfections.

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