Are there any foods that you like, but actually eating them isn't the greatest?
Asked by
DominicX (
January 10th, 2010
For example, I really love ice cream sandwiches. But let’s face it, that chocolate “bread” part of the sandwich is really soft and it melts very easily and then it gets all over my hands and if I’m not near a source of water, I’m not going to be able to touch anything. I usually just end up licking my fingers.
Honey roasted peanuts are similar. They’re covered in sugar on the outside and when I’m eating them, they’re so small that my fingers get in my mouth a bit each time I eat a handful and then my fingers get wet and that makes the sugar stick better and you can see where this is going…
Anyone else have any examples like that? Or any foods that are just hard to eat? Really spicy Indian food can be painful to eat, but the flavor is so good that it’s worth it to me. :)
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35 Answers
Corn on the cobb, Cheetos
Definitely. It has a great flavor, but I hate how it gets stuck in my teeth…
Nothing gets stuck in your teeth like corn on the cob.
I buy a box of ice cream sandy’s a month and so true what you say! same with corn!
There’s a fruit I had in Peru. We called it the snot fruit, it’s real name is the Grenadia. Basically it’s a phlegmy thing (snot) inside a hard shell. To eat it, you shake it around so the phlegm gets detached from the shell, smack the shell against something hard to make a hole in the shell, and then suck the whole thing into your mouth, chew, and swallow. It made a few people I knew throw up. Here’s a picture, though seeing it doesn’t really do the thing justice.
The flavor though, is totally worth it. It’s like pomegranate, but instead of having to deal with pomegrante seeds, there are floating seeds that taste a bit like orange. The taste is awesome, especially when they’re fresh. But yeah, worst thing to try and eat for the first time ever.
Skittles- cut my tongue and mouth.
Captain Crunch- seriously cuts the roof of my mouth.
Soup- dribbles every damn where and I can never get a good ratio in the spoon.
Fish with fine small bones.
I love dried mango but it sticks in my teeth really annoyingly. But it is so good I can’t resist it.
Lots of spicy things, like KimChee, makes my nose run and my lips burn, but it is worth the pain.
Let me add one to that list (we just finished dinner)
Malayasian vegetarian curry, it was so good but wow it was HOT!
Popcorn. It tastes great but the shrivelled lips and bits stuck in between your teeth are an unwanted side effect. Not to mention the corn kernels that don’t ‘pop’ are a pain for your teeth.
Popcorn is a definite! It is so good though it is another one that is worth the aggravation.
corn on the cob i won’t eat unless i am near a place to wash my hands and floss my teeth. i will cut it off the cob with a knife, usually. also, you get more corn that way.
lobster – so good but such a mess with the hands and clothes. bib or no bib it’s a mess.
ice cream cones in the summer – a guaranteed hand washer.
I love fresh coconut but its a bitch to get at.
Perfect Italian Beef Sandwichs are soooooo good but such an ass pain to eat. The cheese is everywhere and the bun is completely soggy and drips everywhere. But OMG it’s fine food!
I would almost say oysters but as i think about it I love to eat them out of the shell…
@DominicX I love/ hate eating ice cream sandwiches too. The cookie part is all melty and sticky and when you bite one side of the sandwich all the ice cream squishes out the other side.
I also feel this way about head-on shrimp. They’re one of my favorite things to eat in all of Asian cooking. A shrimp’s head is about as big as its body, so they’re about twice the size of normal shrimp from the grocery store. The meat inside the head is so much softer and more flavorful than the rest of the shrimp. There’s a Vietnamese preparation of it that I really like, where they’re served in a spicy orange sauce that tastes like lemongrass. There’s also a Chinese dish where they’re fried up in a crispy coating with salt, pepper, and scallions. They go great with some white rice and a beer.
The problem is that when they’re cooked, the restaurant leaves the shell and all the little feelers on the shrimp. The sauce or the salt and peppery goodness is on the outside, and the shrimp is on the inside. You have to break the head off and then spend two minutes taking off the shell and the feelers, and in that time your hands, face and clothes are totally covered in sauce or in breadcrumbs, salt, and pepper. You can technically eat the shell to save time, but it tastes like cardboard.
Pomegranate seeds. Delicious, but what a pain to eat!
Caramel Cadbury eggs. They taste good, but they are so sticky and messy that I rarely ever eat them (which is probably a good thing).
I’ll eat just about anything.
~end transmission~
@janbb I was also going to say pomegranate seeds. We had a pomegranate tree in our backyard of my childhood home in Las Vegas. My mother would get so upset with me and my friends because we would take the pomegranates and smash them on the patio floor to crack them open. They stain very easily!
I love lemon poppy seed muffins, I just hate digging the poppy seeds out of my teeth for the remainder of the day.
Barbecued ribs. Messy on your fingers. Stuck between your teeth. Makes me want to floss just thinking about it!
oh my goodness I’m so hungry…
strawberries… the idea is always better than the actual eating…
I love jalepenos, but my stomach and butt hole hate them.
@lynneblundell Oh, I disagree. A great strawberry is one of the reasons to go on living. However, there are very few great strawberries around any more.
crab legs. I feel like I can never get it all out of the shell, and I feel bad for just tossing the stubborn leg. You not only need a pair of cracker/pliers, but kitchen shears to cut the leg open length-wise to get any appreciable amount of meat. Lots of labor, but it’s worth it.
@stratman37 : Come to Maryland, baby! Let Mama teach you how to get all that yummy meat out!
@janbb – That is so true, those huge red pithy things they call strawberries today are nothing like what we picked and ate as kids. If you can buy them right from the farm they are much better than the ones from the grocery store. I think it is because everything is picked so green, never ripened on the vine, bush, stalk as nature intended. I am so excited to be moving back to banana country, there is nothing so good as a lady finger banana ripened on the tree!
@rooeytoo Enjoyed reading your corraborating diatribe, even if I had to squint to do so. :-)
@janbb – and let me tell you, it is a difficult task to do a diatribe when you are whispering, it just doesn’t seem to have the same effect!
Anything dairy based upsets my tummy. But sometimes I just need ice cream.
@lonelydragon Heh, my ex boyfriend and his buddy used to make lewd comments when I would eat a Cadbury Easter Cream Egg. I would bite off the top, then use my tongue to lick the cream that was inside the egg. What?
Pomegranates… so messy, yet so good!
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