General Question

TheLoneMonk's avatar

Fluther looks funny on my screen today? Anyone else noticing that?

Asked by TheLoneMonk (2897points) January 11th, 2010

I don’t come her often but often enough that I notice when something is way different and today Fluther looks way way different. All of the Q’s and A’s are on the left side and there are no graphics. anyone else have this “problem”? If this is a new format I don’t care for it.

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4 Answers

davids's avatar

Try pressing CTRL + F5 to do a hard refresh, maybe your CSS is only partially loaded or not loaded.

If it comes up with the same thing, take a screenshot so we can see what it looks like for you…

TheLoneMonk's avatar

Wow! That worked! by the way, how do you take a screen shot?

davids's avatar

To take a screenshot you press the little PrtScr/Print Screen/etc button located usually a few buttons above the arrow keys.

Then you open up your favourite image editor, I usually use MS Paint, and press CTRL + V or Paste, then save it.

Then upload to your favourite website like imageshack or something similar

BigFoot's avatar

And if you want to get a screenshot just for a window, hit Alt + PrtScn and then paste it into MS Paint. ;)

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