General Question

kevbo's avatar

Playing a Quake-based, online, arena FPS... what does "server is for low pings only" mean?

Asked by kevbo (25680points) January 11th, 2010

I’ve been playing Urban Terror. Some servers won’t let me on because the “server is for low pings only.” What does this mean?

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6 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

it means your internet connection’s response time is too high.

kevbo's avatar

@ragingloli, thanks. Is that to keep the playing field level in terms of response times or something?

ragingloli's avatar

Yes. High Ping times usually means laggy gameplay, making the game less enjoyable for everyone.

El_Cadejo's avatar

yea as raginlolli said if your ping is through the roof then you can actually cause everyone else some lag (if your the host for some reason) or you’ll just be laggin all over the place which is extremely frustrating for everyone else.

warribbons's avatar

the server is coded so it kicks any player with a high ping, so only low ping players can play… its like what ragingloli and uberbatman said.

aim to find servers with lower than 100 ping.

up to 150 is fine, if you’re desperate lol.

high ping can cause you to miss, even though you obviously hit the guy. this is because when you shoot at a guy, your computer sends a packet saying where your shot is to the server. the server then compares your packet with what it has. if you have a high ping, you will be sending a packet to the server saying you hit the guy at 1×1y, but by the time the server gets it at like 200 ping(example) he might be at 2×2y, soz ;p high ping also causes your sprite to be like IM HERE, nope IM HERE NOW kind of thing. lame as shit.

urban terror is a great mod, but quake is better ;p hit me up at q3 or ql, quake live is free, if your lookin for a free quake-based game lol

oratio's avatar

This is the reason behind ”%ยค# “Magic Bullets”. You get shot even though you clearly is behind the building or don’t hit anyone even if you climbed into them wore them as a dress and shoot them from the inside.

Zut alors!

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