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ucme's avatar

In your opinion which superhero would be the worst to call upon in an emergency?

Asked by ucme (50052points) January 11th, 2010

Of all the superheroes you can think of are any of them not up to the job? A wuss is basically what i’m saying. Someone unworthy of the title.

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31 Answers

delirium's avatar

Booster gold, of course!

ucme's avatar

@ delirium Well being English I must say i’ve never heard of this one. Sounds like a chocolate bar to me.

ucme's avatar

@delirium He looks like a camp circus act in a gimp mask. Bless!!

john65pennington's avatar

Ghost Busters.

scotsbloke's avatar

Maybe it would depend on the emergency, for instance not every super hero can breathe under water or in space.
I’ve always thought Batman was pretty hopeless as superheroes go.

Tomfafa's avatar

I’m not sure but I always wondered what would happen to iron man if he got ‘excited’ in his iron suit? Must be painful… do you think it would sound like a bell tolling… boing!?

Your_Majesty's avatar

The worst:Jhonny O
The best:Cat woman

ucme's avatar

@scotsbloke The boy blunder as sidekicks go. Really was totally pathetic.

Nullo's avatar

Wasn’t there a handicapped superhero that wasn’t Professor Xavier, back when everybody was trying to be diverse and sensitive?

ucme's avatar

@Nullo Wasn’t that Stephen “The Hawk” Hawking. It was only a brief history in time though~

scotsbloke's avatar

What about Rogue from X-Men? I mean as super powers go, super absorbyness leading to a state of being a bit dead, is a bit of a handicap is’nt it?

“I’ll save you, Oh, OOPS, erm, gosh is that the time?”

gailcalled's avatar


6rant6's avatar


Dr_Dredd's avatar

Douglas Ramsey (“Cypher”) from The New Mutants, way back when. His mutant power was translating languages. Great for a French test, lousy for an emergency. :-)

gemiwing's avatar

Jubilee- hands down. She does a lazer light show? Really?

Oh, you came. Uhm…thanks. Yeah, just sit over there and look punky-ish. We’ll handle the giant alien.

mrentropy's avatar

@gemiwing That wasn’t Dazzler?

Dr_Dredd's avatar

Dazzler, too. She also had the funky disco laser powers.

mrentropy's avatar

The Whizzer.

Or, actually, anyone on this list of superheroes. It’s from, so it’s probably NSFW and a whole lot of other things. Funny, though.

scotsbloke's avatar

@ucme Were’nt all sidekicks a bit “pants”?

Ansible1's avatar

I’m gonna go with Powdered Toast Man

ucme's avatar

@scotsbloke Penfold, Danger mouses’ sidekick was uber cool. An exception worth a mention.

scotsbloke's avatar

@ucme Hmmmmmm, ok, that’s a gimme. (Terry Scott was a hero of mine)

ucme's avatar

@scotsbloke Loved him as Tarzan in carry on up the jungle.

ccrow's avatar

Lethargic Lad

frdelrosario's avatar

Even when I was a little kid, I used to wonder what the heck some writer was thinking when Matter-Eater Lad joined the Legion of Superheroes. His superpower was the ability to eat anything .

@Nullo mentioned Daredevil, the blind superhero with “radar sense”. In the ‘60s and ‘70s, writers had to invent the lamest villains ever so Daredevil could actually beat ‘em.

This question reminds me that it’s unfortunately become a challenge for comic book writers to create dork characters who defeat the most powerful Big Bads in the multiverse. For instance, Squirrel Girl, who took down Galactus, but if a cat were stuck in a tree, I probably wouldn’t call her.

Anon_Jihad's avatar

Valtrex Man!

rottenit's avatar

Plastic man would be a bad call in a fire.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Your shooting a porn flick and the car carrying your male actors gets into a bad car wreck. The studio sends you Rubberman, Inch High Private Eye, and Scoobydo. (I know, not super heros, but you figure out how to cast that one.)

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