What would do if your child was convicted of being a child molester?
A previous question inspired this, it was asking about what you did when your son or family member was a child molester. I am just curious what you think you would do if it was your son/daughter that you raised and you later found out they had sex with a child ?
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37 Answers
Keep him away from himself.
’‘convicted’’ would seem to imply that i dont need to do anything except disown them as they are already going to be jailed.
however, if his/her actions had not been found out and it was up to me to do something about it, i would probably kill him/her.
I wouldnt blame myself at all. I believe that I have done a good job as a parent to keep him off that path. The only thing I would probably do for my child is to make sure that he gets a fair trial. If he was tried and was found guilty and convicted, then he should suffer the consequence of his action(s).
In today’s environment of drugs, sex, lies and government officials, it wouldn’t be surprising if a child falls on the wayside and ended up in the gutters of hell even with a parents doting attempt to keep them on the good side.
@poisonedantidote you would really kill your own child ? literally or what exactly do you mean ?
If they have been convicted by a jury and the evidence was overwhelming, proving guilt, i would abandoned my son or daughter. they would no longer have me as their father. i can tolerate anything a criminal has to dish out, except child abuse and rape. this is why i never worked in child abuse in my department. i told them that i would not be responsible for my actions, concerning the arrest of a known child rapist. they took me at my word and i became a burglary detective, instead.
@dutchbrossis literally yea, if thats the kind of sick thing they had chosen to do with their life i’d just put them out of their misery.
before you judge me though…
1— i would never go to the police and i sure cant let him/her get away with it.
2— would i really want my kid to spend their life in jail with the reputation of a child abuser.
i much rather be killed than jailed for being a kiddy fiddler, it would save me a lot of pain in the long run.
@SeventhSense Oh, dear…It appears as though, since I’m underage, that I’m a child molester. Oh, god. What a monster I’ve become.
@poisonedantidote I like to hear a nice story of self-control.
They’d still be my child. Granted, I’d be pretty pissed off at them. Probably wouldn’t speak with them for a while. But I wouldn’t really wanna go as far as exiling them. I think prison would probably be punishment enough.
@daemonelson well, personally i would be more lenient on them if they turned out to be a murdered or something. i know my argument is not on sound ground at all here, but still its what id do.
i think messing up someones mind for life is much worse than actually killing someone. no sympathy for child abusers, just get ‘em out the gene pool i say.
It appears as though, since I’m underage, that I’m a child molester. Oh, god. What a monster I’ve become.
No. But if you were a child molester then you being a child should be kept away from yourself.
Sigh..having to explain your jokes is just not the same…
@john65pennington i can relate with that feeling for sure. i dont think i would have it in me to arrest a person for child abuse without at least putting to boot in a couple of times. same goes for wife beaters.
(assuming im a cop some day for some reason)
@poisonedantidote You have got a point there about what a child molester goes through in jails and prisons
I suppose it would depend on circumstance.
Organic brain injury or some such thing maybe I try to get them help (whatever that entails, including institutionalization) and move on.
Did it for the thrill (non-consensual of course), I’d probably turn them in myself.
They’re your kid, you can forgive them a lot of trespasses, but that one – I just can’t see myself getting past that and knowing they’d be apt to do it again; if it wasn’t my kid I’d turn them in in a heart beat, I can’t see justifying it any differently here.
@dutchbrossis indeed, i live on a small island in spain where we hardly ever have any big serious crimes. the one time someone was arrested for being a child molester they where found dead in their cell a few months later anyway. in the few months he was in jail, im sure the guards even had a go with him. or at very least turned a blind eye.
Apparently peodophiles believe that what they do is perfectly natural (hard to believe I know). With this in mind, there can be no cure and so in my opinion no room whatsoever for reformation or forgiveness. They usually get what they deserve in prison though. Doesn’t this kind of pose another question : what makes someone a peodophile in the first place?
@wonderingwhy I am talking about child molester at any age they are considered a child still, consensual or not. If you like you can differentiate between what you would do if your son/daughter had consensual sex with a child and actual rape of a child. I am just curious as to the responses
@Sparkie510 well, i remember when i was young, in my teens. i was only interested in young girls. as a 15 year old i would have never tried to date a 50 year old. in essence, i had the opinion that young was good, and younger was better.
i think pedophiles must have some more serious version of that going on. the younger the better. and maybe this is also combines with some kind of inability to treat females as people. i remember in my late teens, when i stopped objectifying women it was very hard to deal with them as humans. i found my self wanting to do things like have sex from behind, or anything that would allow me to avoid thinking of them as another person. someone who could potentially ’‘know about my dark sexual fantasies’’.
then you have this fascination with virgins going on too, while i personally prefer an experienced partner, you can certainly see appreciation for virgins in many cultures.
so maybe… the idea that young is good and younger is better, combines with some extremism, a lack of an ability to treat females as people instead of objects, combined with an appreciation for virginity and finally compounded with a general stunted sexuality can maybe lead to someone being a pedophile.
or, maybe they are just born that way.
@Sparkie510 The question though is what would you do if it was your child who was a child molester ?
@dutchbrossis I thought I’d answered it by saying that there is no room for reformation or forgiveness therefore I would disown them.
@Sparkie510 I am sorry. Misunderstood, I thought you were talking about people other than your own children.
Make sure she gets therapy in addition to her prison sentence. I would support her as much as I can to bring her back on track. Disowning her would only drive her more to the edge of society.
I would never abandon any of my children.
Child molestation/Rape is a heinous crime, one of the lowest a human being could inflict on another human being. I would hope that the judge would give them the maxiumum penalty the state would allow for this type of crime, and then some. I would go visit them in prison, send them some money. I would make sure they got some type of help, what good that would do, I don’t know. I don’t believe a /child molestor/rapist can be rehabiliated.
The thing is, I don’t think I would ever look at my child the same way again, without being disgusted. I truly hope it never happens to me and my family. The thought of it, sends shivers thru my whole body.
@smashbox That is understandable and GA. I like it when people say they wouldn’t abandon/disown their child
I am pretty much in line with @smashbox. My love for my daughter is, to any extent I can imagine, unconditional. I would absolutely lose respect for her and would probably have her as a significant part of my life if she were to ever be released from jail.
Although, @dutchbrossis did say: I am talking about child molester at any age they are considered a child still, consensual or not.
My feelings would be completely different if my daughter was convicted because she had consensual sex with a 16 y/o when she was 18. It is against the law, but not a heinous crime and I believe a 16 y/o is old enough to make that decision.
I could never walk away from one of my kids, but for sure something precocious regarding my feelings for them would be ripped out of my heart and soul forever….
I would make sure that they got the help that they needed, and served their punishment. I know what it is like to be the victim, and quite honestly I wish the person who did it would just get the help that they need and own up to what they have done. It would not make what they did better, but it would make me feel better that they could admit what they did to me was wrong and are willing to pay the consequences.
If it wasn’t the case of an 18-year-old having sex with a 16-year-old or something similar, I would completely disown my child and never speak to them again. There aren’t too many things in life that I find as disgusting and wrong as pedophilia.
Even thinking about it turns my insides to ice – I would be terrified of them and be incredibly disappointed in them as human beings – I’d want them evaluated and wonder what sort of trauma or event or pattern led to their acting on their urges…I would be accepting of all the sentencing and jail time – they must pay for what they have done…I would want to talk to the affected families and children.
Convicted doesn’t always mean guilty and since I know both my children would never hurt another animal or human being, much less a child, I would do everything I can to help them get the conviction overturned. There have been people sentenced to a life sentence and later found innocent because evidence was deleted or tampered with or the eye witness only selected them because they looked similar to their attacker.
@SeventhSense Good thing I don’t have one, otherwise I’d be in real trouble. Oh, wait..
@Pandora That is all true. The question saying convicted meant that what if they were guilty, what would you do ? I am sure in reality your children would never do any of those things, this is a hypothetical.
I would probably do something very mean and hurtful. I would say evil things i wold definetly do everything wrong, There’s no excuse for it im just being completly honest
If I had a child I discovered had sex with a minor, I would love them still and forgive them. I would not see them as a molester, fornication is fornication, any will doom you. I will not aid and abet them to continue, but I am no cop, I will let them do their job, I will not do it for them. If I suspect any minors at risk that may come in contact with him or her, I would warn them or their people, anonymously if I had to. Then I would get with my people and we will combat it in the only way it can be (which many don’t agree, but bygones.)
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