Did you ever consider using the threat of suicide to express your anger at someone else?
I’m not sure how to ask this, since it is such a touchy subject. But people who are thinking of suicide are not in a very good frame of mind. They are deeply depressed, for whatever reason, and desperate to get out of the pain. Under such circumstances, it might be easier to think of using suicide as a way of expressing anger. Especially if that anger had been repressed for a long time.
Anyway, did you? What were you thinking at the time? What made it possible for you to issue such a threat? Did you believe you would follow through? What was the response to this threat?
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No. But a friend did this to me. I (eventually) told her that if she wants my attention she simply needs to ask for it.
I have never actually used suicide as a threat. I have been so freaked out that I screamed at my husband that I wanted to die and didn’t want to be alive. Never said I would actually kill myself. I actually say although at this moment I don’t feel like I want to be alive, that I would never kill myself.
This is a bad choice of words to use in an argument. when a person threatens to do bodily harm to themselves, this is an invitation for the police to intervene and take this person for a psychological examination. its the law.
When I was younger, too immature to know how to handle my emotions, I thought a lot about this. I never voiced out the threat to anyone, but in my mind, I constantly thought it. It was like my way of dealing with the anger and frustration at the world – my one escape plan that no one but I had control over. (I understood the social consequences if I ever voiced those thoughts out, and never told or threatened family/friends.)
Eventually, I grew up, became more mature, and understood that suicide didn’t need to be an option. I guess I just became a lot happier about life.
eeveequrl…......you handled your situation just as you should.
No, I was using it as a response to anger at myself. To everyone else, it would have been my final- greatest- gift to them.
No, I have never used it…. but it has been used on me several times. . . It’s hard to be on the receiving end of the threat because it makes you wonder what may happen next to that person and to you.
I just try to avoid things from happening.
I never threten that. I have frequently stated that I would prefer to be dead, especially in the last several months. If I decide to do it, I’ll just do it and no silly “attempts” either.
Never. As stated in a question yesterday, suicide is a permanent fix for a temporary situation.
no doubt i have probably used it as a threat once or twice against my parents to get my own way as a teen, or maybe as a way of expressing just how pissed off i was at them for some reason or another, but if i ever did it would have been a total bluff and just some silly puberty drama, i would never actually kill my self.
if i ever did decide to kill my self (it is my right in my opinion) the very last thing i would do is tell someone about it, why put obstacles in front of my goal. i would just turn up dead. i think the same is true for most people, if you are going to kill your self you will just do it.
Never. I have been in despair at times and felt I’d rather not be alive, but I have never thought of suicide as a way to express anger at someone.
I may have used murder as a threat in the past, but as I know my life isn’t as valuable to the people who annoy me, I would never threaten suicide.
I’ve never threatened it but I seriously considered it at one point years ago. I even had a plan. I never told anyone until the crisis was past, but I’ve learned since then that suicide is seen as a way out of an impossible situation, which for me, at the time, it certainly was. I’m glad to still be here, by the way.
No that would be silly plus it’s the worst possible way to express urgency in a particular situation, disagreement or argument.
I like to work with realistic options when trying to get my point across.
I did when I was younger.
It was a pretty effective manipulation technique, initially. The problem with that is, it lost effectiveness after repeated use. Then after a while, the people I was attempting to elicit responses from would just look at me as strange.
So I upped the ante to “suicide gestures” to convince them I was serious.
And when I finally scared them sufficiently, they had me confined.
Nothing was ever resolved from those threats or my suicidal gestures. If anything, I made matters worse and convinced people to respect me less. Losing my family and the experience of confinement did encourage me to objectively look at what I was doing, and ushered in a period of self-examination that continues to this day.
Never. My dad did kill himself, when I was 11. I could never being myself to say that, even if I was incredibly angry. It wouldn’t even cross my mind to say that in anger. I know firsthand how terrible it is to the people who love you, and I couldn’t do that to them, nor threaten them with it.
Oh my gosh, no! I’d kill myself first.
Never. I have always believed that your soul goes straight to hell when you take your own life.
I think about it in the abstract, but would never “threaten” it in an argument.
Nope. Most folks who are serious about committing suicide simply do it. They don’t try and get their way or garner attention by threatening to do it.
I had someone close to me commit suicide when they were about 27, when that happened the act of suicide was transformed from being an abstract theory to an actual alternative.
I learned that suicide is often not as much about depression (which the shrinks tell you is repressed anger) and more often about anger, rage and the inability to deal with it directly. It is like the ultimate fuck you to the source or sources of the anger, hurt, pain.
I am embarrassed to admit that I have used suicide threat as a manipulative weapon but I never seriously considered doing it, I am a coward, I would rather deal with the known reality than the total unknown.
No. I have had way to much people around me kill themselves. Whenever I am going through a rough time and if thinking of not going on crosses my mind, I remember that hurting myself does not just effect me, but everyone that loves, and cares for me. I know if I get to that point I need to seek help, and not try and take care of my issues myself anymore.
No, and I never would that is a horrible thing to threaten to someone. My sister’s father did that to her to convince her to not move in with our mother or get close to her.
i told my mom i would suicide if she didnt get me a pony, once.
As many have already said, when I was a teenager, it crossed my mind. I remember threatening suicide to my mom one time, to which she replied “Stop being so dramatic…”
I would never do this, I think before I say things, even in anger – but my ex husband has used it on me a couple of times when, after a couple of days that solidified my decision to leave him, he told me that all that ‘stuff he said’ (about 5 hours of chanting ‘I never loved you’) he didn’t mean and that he’ll kill himself if I leave him – I told him he’s a dick and that he’ll never go through with it as he hasn’t with anything in his life…I was mad at him for saying things like that when he didn’t mean it.
oh and I have some patients that have many issues – they use me as their emotional sponge and punching bag – they threaten suicide all the time, for attention, not out of anger – once, I got so tired of one of my patients doing this, I called 911 on him…and learned that, apparently, 911 doesn’t send ambulances for homeless people threatening suicide because they need an address…and a cross streets location is not acceptable…I told them they’re despicable and hung up
I have personally never threatened to take my life to another person… for me, suicide is a very personal issue and personal choice, right, wrong or indifferent, and has to do more with oneself, or lack of “oneself” per se’. Suicide, as we know, is the taking of one’s OWN life… not another’s whether it be emotionally or mentally with us. We are responsible for our own actions. We should not take others down with us if we decide to “go”. It is a selfish choice whether or not we choose to make it… and we should minimize the tangible damage to others wherever and whenever we can if at all possible.
No but I’ve had other people threaten me with hurting themselves and it was beyond stressful and entrapping
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