Meta Question

ucme's avatar

You know the astute looking jelly with the spectacles that adorns the banner? Does it have a name & if not, any suggestions for this creature?

Asked by ucme (50052points) January 11th, 2010

What would suit him or her? Just a thought.

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16 Answers

dalepetrie's avatar

Dr. J is his name.

RareDenver's avatar

I believe he goes by the name Dr. J

ucme's avatar

Ahh , shame would have been fun to throw a few names around. Never mind

sakura's avatar

we could try and make a family of jellies for him to have around him (you know his fluther)
like Uncle Fishbone who always sleeps after eating!!

dalepetrie's avatar

No reason we can’t give him a nickname!

LexWordsmith's avatar

How about “J. Eleanor Fische” (“Elly”, for short).

phoenyx's avatar


LexWordsmith's avatar

Let’s hear it for Elly the Jelly!

ucme's avatar

@RareDenver Wouldn’t jump in the Thames. Toxic doc!

TheLoneMonk's avatar

I always thought Dr J looked more like a Plungerhead…with teats.

RedMosquitoMM's avatar

@phoenyx You’ve effectively rendered all other responses to this thread moot.

fancyfeast's avatar

Dr. J sounds good to me!

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