Are there any budding poets out there?
Asked by
ucme (
January 12th, 2010
Hit me with your efforts at poetry. Long or short, serious or funny lets see what you got. One condition, please try & make them all your own work. Better that way. Cheers.
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28 Answers
I was a poet, and did not know it source: forgotten
Oops, sorry. Here’s mine:
The cat sat on the fat hat. I hope it didn’t shat.
Heh, I was going through an angsty phase – this was about 5 years ago
All I want is to self-destruct
making death my dear last friend
agreeing to the vulnerability
the virus has left me with.
Organic life never did want to last…
I am not your fucking role model
just wanna to live
without tragedy, be the kind of hero
that leaves the family drama
to seek a higher truth,
to come back once in a while,
enjoy the worldly joys,
be animalistic in my desires
and then wave goodbye.
It is this struggle within me
that will drive my progress
thanks for the ride, fuckers.
~February 2, 2005
@Siren Rules are rules~ Interesting one. It may be shit but at least it’s your shit. Of that you should be proud i’m sure.
This is a poem all about chasing dreams, it’s called Dream Chaser :
Dreams! Dreams! Dreams!
Boy do I got a lot of dreams!
that’s a good poem…
Sweet life; bitter, always a challenge.
We breath, we exist we die.
The course of the universe, swirling, spreads out before us.
Sweet love. The breath of life you feed me, makes my being justifiable.
Spinning and expanding together, and when time departs us.
Great satisfaction, our lives worth lived.
I have the soul of a poet
and trapped inside it rests
for though the words they flow as rivers
on the page they’re but a mess.
@ucme: First thing that came into my head. I’ll try to come up with something more succinct.
I love to write. I wrote this about my friend that I lost over the stupidest thing. I over reacted about the dumest shit.
it’s called “I was wrong”
Such stupid ideas made up in my head.
making me always be so misled.
I freaked out and panicked
thought you were leaving
cause you seemed so far ahead
of our friendship.
you made me believe
that you didn’t want any part of it.
so I said what was on my mind.
I held it in to long.. but in the end
I screwed it up, so wrong.
I got the wrong idea of
what was goin’ on.
I feel like I shouldn’t have said a word.
I need to learn to walk before I run.
I never thought of any of this as much fun.
It was on my mind and couldn’t
take it for years to come.
I was wrong to have gone that way.
I was wrong to have said what I did.
I was so wrong to treat a friend that way.
That’s just so unlike me.
I can’t stand this feeling of shame,
but it’s all so true.
You’re so truly a special friend.
You’re the kind that is there
for them when they need it.
You helped me though life
since i’ve known you.
Now when I lay my head down to rest,
It’s impossible to get any rest.
Just knowing how much of a fool I was
to have said such foolish things to you.
I’m so sorry, you don’t even know.
You don’t even know how much
you are of a sister to me, pretty much.
Though I felt I was losing you, I had to say something. I didn’t wanna lose you, but now
it seems I really lost you so much farther now.
If I could rewind this life, I would change everything.
I’m so sorry, I was wrong.
I was wrong, and I’m really sorry.
Maybe one day you’ll see how much
I’m sorry, but just might take a miracle.
Jan 8th 2010 – GaGaMonster.
@Siren No,no don’t spoil it. The first thing that springs to mind is what i’m after.
———————There is no sound
—————————- quite like it:
——the bup of a room-trapped fly
————-against a window pane.
—————-And round and round
————————————it flies
———————and does it again:
———I could laugh at that sound,
—-feel the resonance in that pane.
——- I lift the sash
and the fly returns:
———side to side
————decides it:
—————————Does it: Zup…
@bunnygrl Come,come false modesty.Do your talents never begin~
well, honey I’m 45 and they haven’t yet <sighs>
<hugs ucme> xx
@bunnygrl Thanks for having a sense of humour about it. About time I reciprocated the hug. So here goes, (((hug))) ;¬}
@ucme lol :-) you made me laugh, and its not been a brilliant day so i appreciate it more than I can say, thank you honey {{{{{{{{{{{{ucme}}}}}}}}}}}}
hugglys xx
I searched for something in the Google box
I don’t remember if it was fish or rocks
I clicked on site after site, one after the other
And that’s how I ended up here, a happy jelly on Fluther
@newbee <chuckles happily to self> lol! I love it, made me smile <hugs>
@bunnygrl Thanks. Happy you like it. I love to write silly little short poems. (((hug))) here’s a hig back!! :)
<catches @newbee‘s hug and carefully store it away, goes to hug cupboard and fetches a huge bundle to throw back>
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{newbee}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} xx
<Siren intercepts a hug, steals left, then right….going, going…touch down!!!> crowd roars
I feel like this has devolved from my angst to this…lol, don’t you get it people? this is serious
@Siren bah, more love in the world…bah! lol…thanks, siren, that poem didn’t deserve it…it’s terrible
<throws more bundles of hugs for @Siren and @simone De Beauvior>
<scatters hugs around liberally for fellow jellies just cause im in a huggy mood>
night night everyone xx
@bunnygrl: Gosh, you get a lurve for that comment.
aw thank you honey <runs over and hugs @Siren> I’m a huggy person. What can be better than a hug? an unexpected hug can brighten a day :-)
much love xx
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