Would you own a Pit Bull Terrier?
We see a lot of Pit Bull stories on the internet and in the news. It seems like most people either own one and love there dog and have no aggression problems, or know someone that has been attacked and maimed. You don’t hear too many attacks from poodles or Lab’s. If you had small children in the home, 5 to 7 years old, would you bring a Pit into your home?
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17 Answers
It would not be a good idea. Children and dogs require a careful mix. Even non-aggressive pit bulls can cause tremendous damage with a bite. Children the age you are talking about do not necessarily know how to behave around dogs.
I don’t know much about the breed – but I’d make sure that the person bringing in the dog would and if I trusted them with their pet, I would let the dog near my children, yes.
No, I wouldn’t. Ever.
I understand the opinion that a pit bulls can be gentle, wonderful pets unless they’re trained to be killers. But these dogs are often selectively bred to be fighters and have incredibly powerful jaws. It wouldn’t be worth the risk to my children.
I think they are lovely dogs with an undeserved bad reputation. My daughter owns one, and he is a sweetheart. I wish we could post in-line pics in these threads, so I could introduce you to Prince (I know, real original name.)
I’m a huge fan of the breed but seeing as they are not legal to keep as pets here in the UK I have no choice in the matter. I do however own a Staffi who I would trust around children more than my Jack Russell!
Seriously though, I think when you are considering taking any dog into your home you should consider everything to decide on what the best breed for you is. As far as friendliness is concerned, yes I would have a Pit around children but I would be worried about how powerful the breed could be and how easily it could do damage without meaning to (knocking a kid over in boisterous play for example). I believe that children should be educated as much as dogs when it comes to living in harmony and as much as the dog must respect the humans, the humans (of all ages) should know how to respect the dog. I know it can work because I have seen it work and Bull Terriers often make AMAZING family dogs.
When it comes to the media, I take every dog attack with a pinch of salt because you never hear what led to the attack.
For the record, I have heard of many Lab attacks and don’t get me started on Cocker Spaniels!
Of, course. A Pit Bull is no different than any other breed. With proper training and care a dog is unlikely to attack.
It has nothing to do with the breed but the owner. So yes being a dog lover I would bring one into my home, and treat it with love and care like any dog should be.
I do own a pitbull. I’ve had her for years and never had a problem. She’s very sweet and loving. I also own a little 5 lb papillion. He’s more aggressive than my pit! They play like they’re best buds. As opposite as they look, they love each other. My pit loves all animals, even strange dogs she’s never
met. She’s the biggest baby. I was weary when my fiancĂ© decided to adopt her because of the stories I’d heard about the breed. But she turned out to be the best dog I’ve ever owned. Don’t be narrow minded. It’s not the breed that is the issue. Unless I just happened to get the only pit bull that isn’t animal or people aggressive.
They’re illegal here so no. I would consider owning a Staffordshire but not if there were young children in the house.
@downtide I’ll send my staffy round to play with your kids, she’d soon change your mind. She adores children!
@Leanne1986 my kid’s all grown up now but your Staffy would be welcome here as long as she gets on well with other dogs. :)
@downtide She gets on well with everyone and every thing and she fully expects adoration back.
Absolutely not. A crazy idea to have such a powerful dog around little kids whose behaviour can be unpredictable.
Of course not. Why take chances with children when you can be just as happy with a Maltese or Bichon?
I would If I got one as a puppy I own one now she is almost 3 I trust her and if I got prego now I wouldn’t get rid of her but I don’t know if I would adopt an older one without testing the waters first!
We have a female rescue pit my fiancee got in the split with his ex wife. Out of our 3 dogs, she is the most gentle, polite, graceful and even demeanored- 99% of the time. The other 1% of the time she is unpredictable and will attack to kill.
In a year together with my little doggie, she has now attacked him 3 times, once very seriously to where we thought we couldn’t get him away from her. Today she attacked and my fiancee was getting home just in time to run to the rescue. Right now he is injured from trying to get her off my dog, my dog is injured from the attack and I’m at a loss what to do.
My advice to anyone considering a pit bull is to get it from a professional breeder that breeds for good temperaments and doesn’t do “junkyard” breeding. A rescue pit that’s been previously neglected or abused might be better off as the lone household pet and I’d never chance one around children. These dogs are so incredibly powerful that once in attack/defend or whatever mode, they will not stop.
I own 2 pitbulls. They are loving and loyal. Diesel is 75 lbs and 5 years old and Rebel is 35 lbs and 7 years old. Rebel was a shelter rescue. Have had both since pups. They love to take car rides. Diesel cant “hold his licker!” They are awesome with my 11 year old son. Would definetly not hesitate to own another. GREAT DOGS!
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