(semi-NSFW) Men: From your perspective, is the stereotype, "men are only interested in the short term and sex" true or false?
Asked by
Spinel (
January 12th, 2010
Some women stand by this with all their might. It’s a common myth(?) that the male side of humanity is into short term relationships and sex, but nothing more. So I go directly to the group targeted by the above stereotype: are you, as a man, only interested in a few months with a little sex on the side, or do you ever want more?
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I don’t know where anyone would get such an idea.
(see: The Male Brain)
Certainly that would describe my current position.
I’m not worried about finding the woman with whom I’ll live forever. Just someone who’s a good match for the time being.
I don’t necessarily think all, or most, men think the same thing.
I definitely want more than just sex. In fact I find short term casual relationships and random sex a distasteful lifestyle. excuse me if that applies to anyone here I suppose I can’t speak for the whole male population, but I would think that deep down, men want more meaningful relationships even if a lot won’t admit it.
Eh… Depends on the man, honestly. For myself, I lost my virginity at the incredibly young age of… Last year. I’m 21. It wasn’t due to lack of opportunities, so much as lack of interest. However, I know plenty of men who would gladly pound away at whatever available orifice was nearby.
As demonstrated by clioi and myself, not all men have an intense interest in short, purely sexual relationships. In fact, I’ve known more women who were interested in such relationships.
As of last year, however, I have indeed lost my virginity. And thankfully, I am still with the person. We have a fairly strong relationship, and I intend to stay with her the rest of my life.
I love to check in on these threads just to keep my faith in the male half of the species. Maybe soon I’ll completely stop saying things like “May they all crash and burn.” Thanks @SABOTEUR, @clioi, and @Jerikao. Lurve to you all!
@Saturated_Brain. He says, little boys should go to bed early…before all the nasty R-rated questions come out to play.
false, not all men want that…me being an example. im in love and happy, and if things go well, i want to spend my future with her.
Everyone does. Men tend to be more honest about it.
More specifically, men are not limited to wanting that. But it does (generally) make up a fair chunk of our desire with regard to that.
It’s what you make of it, I suppose. Some guys are definitely interested in the short-term, but others aren’t. My dad, for instance, has been married and faithful to my mother for, oh, 26 years. My grandfather, on the other hand, was a no-good philanderer for most of his life.
It is false. Sure I have known many men who were only interested in that, but it isn’t true for me. And I know it isn’t true for a lot of other guys either. I am definitely of the monogamous sort. I focus on one woman at a time and forget that all others exist. That is especially true of my current girlfriend who I love very much and would like nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with.
Well that is the first thing that attracts one person to another, the instinct to mate and reproduce. I we are capable of more, it just depends on the person.
Long term sex—more than a few hours—is physically demanding. Most guys simply lack the stamina.
I don’t do hit it and quit it and never will. I don’t bump uglies with a lady until i’m sure there is something there besides physical attraction. It is just the way my mind works, i can happily say that every girl i have bedded has meant a great deal to me.
But sure, i know guys who only want the short term and all that stereo typical jazz. But i don’t think they are in the majority these days.
It’s a stereotype like any other. Difference being, it’s one of the few that’s allowed to continue on all fronts. Hell, it’s practically nurtured by society in books, movies and television.
But then, so are all stereotypes about men. Let’s see…
• We can’t cook.
• We’re slobs.
• We won’t clean house.
• We all love sports.
• We suck at listening.
• We’re not in touch with our feelings.
• We’re crude, flatulent & scatalogical.
It’s bullshit that, while certainly true of some, does not in any way represent men as a whole.
Same as any stereotypical description of one group of people or another.
I’m no statistician nor someone who knows a lot of people closely enough, so I’m in no position to evaluate generalisations like that, but in my case it couldn’t be more false.
I’m the romantic kind of guy who still half-heartedly believes in something like “the one”. If I’m interested in finding a lover, it’s because I’d want to find someone to be in love with, to be happy with, to talk to about everything, to cuddle with, to grow old with, stuff like that. And as an afterthought, yeah, I guess we could make love too.
But to be perhaps embarassingly honest, if the problem is just libido that needs to be satisfied… I have a connection to the greatest porn collection of all time, and I have opposable thumbs. I honestly don’t understand why so many people think you need anyone else to take care of that problem.
So there are definitely exceptions, yes.
I think that most men, depending on their particular situations, truly want a long-term relationship, sex and everything else that accompanies it. I know I do, but finding that particular someone with whom you’re comfortable enough to share such a relationship often requires more than one short-term foray into that miasma we call ‘the dating world’ before you’re able to correctly identify the best candidates for the position.
I’m going to think this through for a while. I will respond, it may surprise you, but I need to take some time to put the thoughts down. Bet you didn’t think us guys were so contemplative.
Not true. We love sex yea, but most of us want more in the relationship.
I do not feel that men and women want different things out of life I truely just see the order that we look for them as being different. Men generally want a great sexual relationship that grows into some more ie an emotional long lasting one. So we look for sex first and hope the rest will come around.
for the most part its true, most men want to have as many sexual conquests as possible, and genetically we want to spread our seed and ensure that our line lives on. but i think mostly its for the pure reason of lust and greed…... until we get a little olde and think ya i want someone to hang out with , time to settle down….
Okay, I’ll give this a shot. But first, curses to you woman. You’re making us guys look into areas we don’t go easily. I’d rather sit in my underwear, drink beer, scratch, and belch. Sorry for that image, but we have to pretend we’re guys. For me, it’s totally false. I was thinking when I was young it might have applied, but in looking back I had to make the same call when I was 22 or 23 yrs old. I choose the brain over the extremely good roll in the hay. I have been glad I choose wisely. Sure you will find guys that think with their dicks, but that’s because that’s all they’ve got. I don’t know if I could phrase it any better.
@Fyrius That pretty much sums it up.
NSFW is Not Safe For Work. I guess NSWF would be Not Safe Work For
Maybe its the “Northern Scotland Wresting Federation”
at times, it’s true.
in everyones life they go through phases where they just don’t want to be in a long-term relationship. it’s true for men as well as women. but that doesn’t mean we don’t want to have sex.i don’t know anyone who’s only interested in short-term relationships and sex.
I have never been interested in just sex or just a little sex on the side. There has to be more or it just becomes masturbation. When you desire to be with that person, sex becomes so much more and so does the relationship.
Actually Long Term and Lots of Sex works for me!
@Val123 Its the massacred version of NSFW. Typos have – whether I like it or not – become my trademark. With Fluther’s time limit on editing, I was unable to fix it.
It’s not true for this man.
@Spinel Did you catch my spelling of wrestling?
No its not true. Theres alot of good people in the world. Enough to go around
I have to say that’s generally true. We men just want the sex, with no strings attached. Most women want romance and a commitment. And therein lies the conflict between the sexes.
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