I am always responsible for my own part in whatever hurt me. Everything is a choice that is just the truth. But like I have mentioned in other posts, when other people give you incorrect information and you opt to trust *Which it is actually human to want to do, or in the very least believe it is safe to do, and the other person is lying for their own gratification that means that you don’t have all of the necessary information needed to make a conscious decision for yourself.
It is difficult when you deal with other people on behalf of yourself. But everything Ihave ever done wrong in my life I am not only aware of, but take responsability for but its not always that simple.
I believe that people should to some extent be somewhat responsible for one anothers health and sanity where and when they directly or will indirectly effect it to a detriment given the choice to opt not to for their own sence of moral obligation, the problem is with those individuals who are always and ever out for themselves. They don’t care, they hurt indescriminately and then ask you to be okay with it.
I say Nay nay nay! “Just because you can get away with doing something wrong, or dirty or low, doesn’t mean you should do it, especially where human emotions and feelings are concerned.”
I suppose maybe I have a little more of a social conscience than some people do within that problem? And again that being said, I don’t hide much, I don’t fear much, and therefore I don’t lie much. Lying comes from a fear of judgement.
If you put yourself all out there, what reason do you have to lie unless you are intentionally seeking to obscure a view of yourself from those you don’t want to see you so that you can easier manipulate them to your objective, your reason, or your opinion? Personally I don’t care to hide anything, and therefore I prefer other people not asking me to do the same.
There isn’t very much about me that I ever hide.
It should be inside all of us to do the right thing… not everyone has that, and they go through life doing whatever they like, making excuses for it, justifying it and replying on charm or looks, excuses or outright lies to get away with it.
I’m probably one of the most self aware people. I know it when I screw up and I neither hide that or expect anyone else to not see it for what it was but that being said, don’t in turn, BE an idiot toward me, and then ask or expect me not to see it or be disturbed or angry about it
Can’t do it.