Is it a sin to kill or?
Ok, imagine that you were sitting in your house peaceful and a woman knocks your door. She tells you that her kid is drowning and beggs you to save it. What will you do? Save it offcourse. If you let it die it will be a sin. So! After many many years you find out that the kid you saved is a very bad person for example HITLER. You have saved a kid that killed millions of people. That means YOU killed those people by saving the kid! Isn’t that a sin too?? If you were in a situation like this what would you do? SAVE OR LET THE KID DIE??
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23 Answers
Well uh.. at the point of saving the child, it’s just a child. You don’t know how that kid is going to turn out in the future. You don’t know any of that just yet. I’d save the kid, whatever happens after, happens. I couldn’t live with myself knowing that I could have done something but didn’t.
To kill people, yes it is a sin, always. In your example, the kid grew up to kill people and that is his or her sin, not yours.
We have to kill vegetables, infectious microbes, to live. Animals is a grey area. We don’t need to kill animals to live, but they are tasty.
What kind of question is this?
Of course you save the kid. on the other side of your question, this might be the kid who grows up to enable peace in the middle east!!
I think the Pet Shop Boys said it best, It’s A Sin!
Saving a child is the correct moral choice.
That has nothing to do with what that child grows up to be.
If he grows up to save the world, you get no additional credit for what you did.
The same is true if he grows up to be George W. Bush or Rush Limbaugh – their actions are not your fault. Same with Hitler.
It is generally wrong to kill people. It is sometimes necessary to protect yourself from immediate deadly threats from that person.
When you volunteer to kill people you don’t like, that is wrong.
When you voluntarily join a military to protect your friends and neighbours from harm, and the President sends your combat group into a place when nobody has even threatened you or your country, and you get orders to destroy an “enemy” encampment full of women and children and men who have done no harm to anybody and you yourself fire the mortar or whatever that kills all those people, you have done a horrible thing under well intentioned orders but you must still live with what you have done.
We can decide if the commanders on up to the Commander in Chief are respponsible for killing innocents without a just cause. Only you and your G_D can say whether what you did was wrong.
Good luck with that.
@dimitris I might if you use proper grammar and spelling.
well I AM GREEK do not forget that try learn some greek too mate
Save the child. I am not responsible for poor parenting, school bullies or abuse given to said child that may or may not harm them to the point that they strike out at others.
@dimitris I’m Greek and I can spell and use proper grammar!
Morality is concerned with intentional actions, not unforeseen consequences. We can’t ever know for certain how cause and effect will play out even in the near future, much less over a span of years. We’re morally obliged to try think about the effects our actions may have, but we never have all the information; if we’re trying to do the best we can with the information we have, then we can’t be held morally responsible for how events unfold from there. The intent of someone saving a child is clearly to prevent suffering, not cause it. He’s doing the best he can with the information he has.
Each person is responsible for his own actions! It’s not your fault that the kid grows up into a genocidal maniac.
In any case, it’s a moot point; it only takes one sin to damn you for all time, and you’ve already committed a heckuvalot of those.
Well, of course I would save it! I had no idea the child was going to be… Hitler… So why not? If I knew the child was going to be Hitler, then okay I would second think saving it. :P Maybe I would come back later and kill him for abusing the life I went through the trouble of saving! D8<
If you seriously think that you’d be responsible for Hitler’s behavior, you need more than Fluther to answer this.
Sounds like The Boys From Brazil shit to me!
Letting someone die is not the same as killing.
Morally it would be bad to let the kid drown if you were able to help, obviously. It wouldn’t be a “sin” unless you pushed the kid and watched him drown. What the kid ends up doing later in life has no bearing on the person that saved the kid. how could you be responsible for decisions someone else makes?
“Is it a sin to kill”
It is only a Sin when God is in the equation. Otherwise depends on the situation.
Can’t be held accountable for what a individual might do in the future.
There aren’t many people I’d wanna risk my life saving. Having the opportunity to do something doesn’t make it your responsibility. Otherwise Switzerland would be in shit for crimes against humanity.
Also, deaths by proxy aren’t exactly your responsibility either. Otherwise we’d jail the parents of murderers too.
In other news, ‘sin’? Heh, good one.
In your example, saving the kid (or not) is your choice/responsibility, what the kid does is their choice/responsibility over which you maintain no influence. You are not responsible for the choices that person makes. Therefore, you are no more responsible for the millions of deaths attributed to that person than you would be for the millions of lives they saved if they, say, cured cancer.
Is it a sin not to interfere when observing how people kill people? Like in Rwanda? Like in Kosovo? Or Darfur?
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