General Question

g33s0n6656's avatar

Once the SDK update is out, what's the first program you think should be installed on your phone?

Asked by g33s0n6656 (98points) February 28th, 2008 from iPhone
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13 Answers

g33s0n6656's avatar

I think some sort of flash player would top my list.

squirbel's avatar

An ebook reader!

And then an iChat clone, IRC client, expense/budget app…

jamms's avatar


kfiz's avatar

Word Processor. Portable and then Wi-Fi or Bluetooth the work to a printer. Homework to go.

Spargett's avatar

The question is how long before any good apps are released after the SDK. A week, a month, 6 months?

There are many really useful apps available through right now. Everything squirbel has already been made and much, much, much more.

squirbel's avatar

yeah, but I want ones made with apple’s toolchain instead of the BSD subsystem.

g33s0n6656's avatar

can someone use this if they have a legit phone or does it have to be unlocked

squirbel's avatar

it is for legit phones as well

riprock96's avatar

flash! That would add a lot of apps to the phone

squirbel's avatar

I am of the opinion that apple will not give access to flash, as it would compete directly with youtube and ajax applications. They have business relationships to consider at every turn – making flash inclusion very difficult.

jammyjam's avatar

WiFi or Bluetooth printing and MMS. Copy and paste would be nice. Free ringtone creator.

g33s0n6656's avatar

you can use garage band 08 to make free ring tones. Dont have it? Email yourself the song you want to use, go to an Apple store and make it there. Make sure they aren’t looking over your shoulder, not sure if they frown on it.

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