NSFW: Those attracted to women: Do you enjoy your girl's period blood?
As opinions on this topic seem to vary greatly, I’m interested in discussing sexual perspectives regarding menstrual blood. Among my colleagues, some will indulge in both vaginal and oral sex during their girl’s menstrual cycle, others abstain from oral only, and still others do not partake in any vaginal sex acts during a girlfriend’s menstruation. I enjoy experiencing my girlfriend’s period in every way I can, especially in going down on her. I find this, along with the sex that follows, to be very hot and fulfilling for a number of reasons.
How do you feel about your girlfriend’s period blood? In which vaginal sex acts do you partake while she is bleeding? Do you participate because you do not mind the blood, or do you specifically enjoy it? What do you find attractive/unattractive about your girl’s period and why?
Girls, too, feel free to respond with your own perspectives toward sexual acts during your period.
[24, male]
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109 Answers
The taste needs some getting used to…
Most of the time I’m just not interested during that time because of her mood (which is not her fault.. don’t get me wrong). On the rare occasion we do I’m not a vampire or anything so no.. I don’t drink any blood.. but other things are ok.
It’s a combination of what she feels comfortable doing at that time and what I feel comfortable doing. The mess is the biggest turn-off for me and I really hate trying to get blood out of fabrics, not to mention staining the mattress, etc.
Generally, my girlfriends have chosen to abstain from vaginal penetration while they’re having heavy to medium flow, probably due to their use of tampons. Light flow is not a big deal because once the tampon comes out, it takes a while for the blood to travel down. I personally would engage in oral provided she had a tampon in on heavy/medium flow days, and I wouldn’t mind at all on light flow days.
It’s disgusting to me, I don’t like the smell or sight of blood during intercourse. It reminds me of pain, so I can’t get aroused.
Is this a race to the bottom regarding quality questions on Fluther?
Well…. for me….. hmm….
My boyfriend apparently has NO problems with it. He won’t mind touching me or doing sexual acts while I am on my period, he says it even provides some lube… ewww… I on the other hand, well, I can barely stand the sight and smell of it so it is a NO GO for me! Haha.
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! Pass the fucking garlic. Cunt Dracula raises his ugly head again.
@AstroChuck: I am not a huge fan of the act(s) myself, but can you explain what’s wrong with the quality of the question?
@nikipedia- It’s just in poor taste, IMO. (And no. I am not making a pun.)
I will have sex, but I don’t think I would go down. Tried it once. Almost made me vomit.
@AstroChuck: At the risk of going all nutso-feminist, I think it’s a legitimate question. This is something that all women of child-bearing age have to deal with 25% of the time. It affects our lives and our partners’ lives. I don’t understand why as a society we continue to be so absurdly squeamish about something that is normal, healthy, and as far as I know poses no appreciable risk (unlike, for example, feces).
So why is discussing menstruation in poor “taste”?
As someone more eloquent that I once said “I will swim in the red river but I will not drink from it”.
Yeah, I’m with Chuck on this one.
I was wondering if they were running a hidden contest somewhere like a secret Fluther Limbo.
How low can you go? First to scrape the bottom of the barrel gets some weird award ?
For what it’s worth, I’m with @nikipedia on this one. It’s a completely normal function that women spend a fair amount of their lives dealing with. As paired sexually active adults, women’s partners also have to deal with their menstrual cycles in regard to sexual activity. I understand the visceral reaction, but if you stop and think about it, it is a legitimate question.
@AstroChuck and @Buttonstc: I’m with @nikipedia as well. In reviewing the 25 most recent Fluther questions, putting this one at the bottom of Fluther questions seems pretty harsh. This is a legitimate topic for discussion…
I can understand completely if the guy I was with wouldn’t want to do oral while I was on my period. It’s a personal choice and I wouldn’t make him do anything he didn’t want to. I would like to still be able to have sex though, so it’d make me happy if traditional intercourse was still an option.
It doesn’t make me feel too good if I’m being treated like a disgusting person that he doesn’t want to be close to because of something I can’t control.
I have to agree with @girlofscience, and @nikipedia.
I had NO idea people engaged in oral sex during a girls period. Honestly. I… won’t let him when I don’t taste good, and I definitely don’t then. Metallic taste. Geh.
Regular sex is fine or I can just get to focus on him. Alternatives are dandy. Plus, it’s great lube.
Maybe it’s cause I’m also a woman so I’m used to it, but I’m not bothered in the least. I’ve never been a huge fan of oral sex in general so I can’t comment on how it would impact that particular act (have to admit I could see that being squicky…), but really, who cares about getting a little blood on their hands? Ok, so that sounded more murderous than sexual but you get what I mean. I’m gonna wash up after sex anyway, so it’s not any different than non-period sex to me. Hell, when you wash up you can even tell more easily if you missed a spot! For example: How did I get blood on my elbow?? Ok, guess I’ll wash it off! Otherwise, would you have checked your elbow for sex goop? I think not!
@delirium: Yeah, and also—great way to welcome someone to Fluther.
@fireinthepriory It’s not the hands that bothers me, it’s the tongue! (And, of course, the consumption of my blood that has been rejected from my uterus…)
@delirium I’ve heard it referred to as “earning your red wings.” (Not joking.)
Haha.. I think the euphemisms are grosser than the actual thing. Ew.
First, I want to say… WTF!?
Second, There is always ways to work around theses sort of issues.
When horny people put their minds together. :-)
@Allie I have never heard that one, and I’ve usually heard of everything. I’m so shocked.
I once overheard a friend talking about walking in on his brother at a party and he was between a girls legs, and when he sat up his face was all covered with blood. I think back to that story constantly. Whenever I’m on my period, mostly, just wondering how someone could stand the blood taste. Figuring that folks would never usually do that and he was probably pretty drunk and hadn’t noticed. I never realized that people normally did it.
I will never understand or realize all the things people do outside my little world
@delirium I suppose I can’t really comment on the issue of oral, but if oral sex was extremely appealing to me in general I could see potentially being all right with it, especially straight out of a shower or something… Hard to say. I’m mainly just confused by people who won’t do anything while their lady is bleeding!
@ChazMaz: Ways to “work around” this issue? The asker stated he specifically enjoys eating menstrual blood.
As far as penetration goes, ((fingers/dildo) on light days, I’m fine with it. If she has a tampon in during light days, I could do oral, but, @delirium is right, it doesn’t taste all that great. And, this is all provided that she is clean, otherwise (washed up her bits). Heavy days, I couldn’t do it (oral/penetration). It doesn’t appeal to me at all.
HA. It never even occurred to me to do it with a tampon in and wash off. Never even occurred. I really haven’t given this much thought!
@girlofscience – That seems to be his problem. Or, pleasure. :-)
Plenty can be accomplished without having to ingest a girlfriends period blood.
@delirium: Really? I’d hate to have to go a week every month without any oral loving!
@MissAnthrope: So although you seem to not be disgusted by the menstrual blood, you choose to avoid it during sex? Is this only because of the mess it makes or do you find the blood itself unattractive?
The Wife and I have Sex throughout the month, her period simply means Towels, in the tub, on a tile floor or in the shower. She loves the orgasms she has and the fullness during that time because she is swollen and I get gripped tightly.
@joebananas – Being a woman and having to deal with my own periods, I am probably used to this particular function, so menstruation and menstrual blood don’t gross me out that much. It’s the mess and the messiness of it that is most unappealing.
@ChazMaz: Yeah, obviously, there are plenty of other things to do. But the issue here wasn’t “OMG, how am I ever going to be sexually satisfied when my girl has her period,” so I don’t see how that’s relevant.
I see the relevance when the questions are:
How do you feel about your girlfriend’s period blood? In which vaginal sex acts do you partake while she is bleeding?
Whoah, bloody hell can this just stop now. End of, period~
@ucme: Plenty of people find this to be a legitimate topic of discussion. I don’t see a need for you to make posts trying to stop this discussion. It adds nothing.
@ucme day one since you’ve been here, you haven’t been funny, dude.
@joebananas Wouldn’t dream of attempting to stop anything, go right ahead enjoy.
Talking about this subject doesn’t bother me yet something about the phrasing of the question seems a bit brusque to me. I’m not sure I could say what it is, specifically.
To answer the question- I want nothing to do with sex when I’m on my period. It hurts, I’m cramping, half-high on Anaprox and bloated as hell. It’s just not a time that I feel sexual.
As far as others- I’m not able to get over having blood all over me. It just doesn’t do it for me.
@jmah Really you go that far back kinda stalkish. The day I care about your opinion on anything will never dawn. A wasted effort shame really.
Ha @ucme not stalkerish. I just cringe almost every time that I see that you’re posting. Trying to be funny, yet, fail.
I’m out. Carry on.
I’m just chiming in to say that I haven’t had to deal with this issue for more than 4 years.
Response moderated
Oh dear god no. No no no no no.
Under other circumstances, that area is a fantastic wealth of fun and intriguing tastes.
I’ve tasted what one might come close to calling the retarded lovechild of ‘blood’ once. No. Just no. It was accidental, made me wretch. Not happening again.
With regard to my current girlfriend, I’ve seen/smelled the ‘blood’ once. The smell was intense, quite overpowering. While not nearly as repulsive as prior experiences, I wouldn’t really want to go there.
In other news, we tend not to go for any sexual acts involving the vagina during her menstruation.
I know my husband would have no problem with it if I asked, but I am really just not in the mood for that when I’m on my period (usually). We’ll have sex, but not oral. Also, I don’t like sex the first day of the period..when it’s the heaviest for me. Ugh, I’m usually so miserable that I would prefer some light touching and a backrub.
I personally don’t see the appeal in doing it, because I imagine the blood taste different than regular blood..I don’t even want to know what it taste like, to be honest. lol
I just asked my man and he says, “I don’t feel any way about it [confused chuckle]”
He says he doesn’t give me oral sex during my period because of the taste and smell, which is fine with me. We normally just throw down some towels and go at it (penetration). The sex helps with my cramps. I don’t see anything gross about it.
@Allie earned my “red wings” about 14 years ago Only avoid on her heaviest days due to her discomfort, Those were “cuddle and massage” days. The massage helping her with cramps. My aim on those days was Meghan’s comfort.
It doesn’t bother me. It’s just a little blood.
@Facade – Yes, pretty much what (I think(from my experience)) most ladies say :-)
no i do not, its nasty. but i must admit, i have had sex with my ex during here period ( i was sooooo desperately horny that i did not care what kind of lubrication came out of that thing, afterwards i was extremely disgusted when she got off and dripped some blood on my stomach.)
@ everyone, THERE ARE PEOPLE THAT WILL PERFORM ORAL DURING A GIRLS PERIOD? thats just disgusting, unless your a vampire.
I’m a female and I agree with a lot of people in that this is something I deal with a week every month so it’s a big part of my life, a big part of me whether I like it or not and I expect a lot of compassion for my discomfort. I enjoy vaginal sex during my period and usually wear a sponge which makes for no mess during oral and just a little mess after penetration. I’ve asked my partner how he feels about this and bless his hide, he says it’s just a bit of blood and not to worry about it.
I don’t enjoy blood. No matter what kind.
I’m not opposed to having intercourse with her while she’s on her period, but I’m not going down on her. The taste of blood, no matter where it’s from, sickens me.
I’ll perform oral during a girl’s period. Last I checked, I’m not undead…
Not an issue – she’s post hysterectomy. Works fine for us both.
I would NEVER have messed with a woman orally dues that phase of her cycle. Period.
No problems – we just put a towel underneath…at first he never went down on me then…eventually I was like ‘oh do you have an issue’ and he was like ‘oh, do you?’ and we both said no…so now he goes down on me then…no problems…I use the Diva Cup so it’s always super easy to take it out…
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Do you leave the Diva Cup in during oral? Does any part of it hang out, like a tampon? I have yet to have a chance to use one because I got pregnant before I had a chance (and I only bought those Instead cups)
@casheroo nah I take it out because I like to be fingered simultaneously…but ordinarily, a little part of it sticks out but you don’t feel it.
I’m a gay girl who is not in sync with my partner. If we didn’t have sex during our menses then we’d have very little sex. I do indeed have my red wings. Just remember to use a towel. It’s very messy.
Diva cups and moon cups and keepers are great. Just make sure to trim it to the right length for your comfort.
I don’t want to be touched when I’m on the rag. My personal preference.
[mod says] Personal attacks are not permitted, and have been removed.
I didn’t know people like you existed! I want my mom! :)
This is what I don’t understand. In a another question about blowjobs I answer with this response and it only gets 2 great answers yet Astrochuck answers a similar question Only that it includes menstrual blood instead with a very similar answer we both mention the quality of Fluther questions and he gets 31 Great Answers.
Not only that, I get an unwarranted telling off from pdworkin that gets 7 Great Answers. Can someone explain to me how my answer was so wrong yet Astrochuck’s answer appeared to be so right?
@HTDC I guess everyone’s line in the sand is a little different.
@HTDC: Because we live in a society where it’s still appropriate to find menstruation disgusting because it doesn’t happen to men? I agree—totally hypocritical.
I suppose, I just didn’t expect such approval of Astrochuck’s answer and such disapproval of mine. That might be one of the reasons, but also it stems from religion. The Qu’ran and the Bible have many passages on the views of women and menstruation, and how they are unclean and others should stay away from them for a number of days, etc.
There is still an attitude out there that menstruation is a dirty, shameful thing to happen to a woman, which is really unfair.
@HTDC: I completely agree, and I think comments like @AstroChuck‘s up there serve to perpetuate this sense of dirtiness and shame. Sucks.
Say what you will about me being old-fashioned or sexist, but there isn’t ANY kind of sex happening when my lady is having her time of the month.
I accidentally had sex with a menstruating woman years ago (she thought she had a couple more days) and it was a surprise I was not happy to get. To me, blood is icky and I don’t want to touch it with any part of my body, tongue, finger or penis.
In any case, one week without sex forces a couple to actually, y’know, TALK to each other, enjoy each other’s company, do non-sex stuff, etc. If anything, it would strengthen a relationship so it doesn’t revolve around the physical aspect alone.
@drdoombot That’s pretty depressing if the only thing that can force you to talk to your lady is a bloody cooter.
@drdoombot How the hell is a relationship strengthened because you’re being “old fashioned and sexist” pathetic?
For some reason, I feel really private when I have my period. If it is late in the cycle and almost finished, I am more inclined to have sex but I don’t like the idea of my partner performing oral on me. Similar ickiness/personal stuff to pooing if he is in the bathroom showering (can’t do it) or putting in a tampon in front of him. For some reason (and I haven’t a clue why) I am just embarrassed at doing these things in his presence.
I am surprised to see the number of people that perform oral during menstruation. You guys definitely have more weeks in a month with full levels of fun! I am pretty much 1 week a month off limits. LOL
@HTDC The brown nose brigade are constantly rearing their deluded heads. Crowd pleasing, infantile followers closing ranks. Pathetic really that they show such a lack of individuality. Lets just say they have issues that they should address, starting with wiping that brown stuff off with tissues. Low self esteem must be a terrible plight. GA’s pah, it’s all relative to their laughable little cliques. Amazing how not unlike the Lord of the Flies it can be on here with some individuals.
@nikipedia I agree with your point on the patriachal taboos and “contamination” mythology.
I want to clarify that I did not enjoy the blood, but overlooked it for the sake of my lady’s pleasure.
Ladies, being penetrated during heavy flow, doesn’t it hurt? When I did it, it was a bit painful. And, not that pleasurable sort of pain.
@jmah: No, it actually releases tension for me, thereby reducing the severity of my menstrual cramps.
I agree with @nikipedia – the quality of the question is completely acceptable and it is disappointing to me that @AstroChuck would receive so many GAs, but I’m not surprised.
Can it be better explained what @AstroChuck meant?
It went right over my head. :-)
@Simone_De_Beauvoir It is disappointing. But I can’t for the life of me understand how it could possibly receive so many GA’s, I really wish someone could explain to me what motivated those people to give it a GA.
@HTDC people did it just because. there are many people here. they think it’s disgusting, this question. they don’t know they’re only socialized to think so.
It’s funny though that they think combining menstruation and sex is disgusting yet a guy shoving his penis into a girls mouth repeatedly until she gags isn’t. Am I missing something here?
@jmah It hurts me when I do it. Not the penetration itself, but the tension of the cramps..It’s just too painful to even fathom having sex. I think it really just depends on the girl though. I know orgasm helps my cramps..so I take care of myself lol
@Simone_De_Beauvoir I don’t know?! I’m only socialized to think so?! Please read my answer on this question before you start judging why others gave @AstroChuck a great answer.
@jonsblond the reason you give doesn’t have to do with your disgust with menstruation – so obviously it doesn’t have to do with my comment. Perhaps I should have said ‘many’ people gave GAs because…
and going by your answer, I don’t care what questions came before – you and I and all us should, imo, treat each question individually…and while we’re on the topic, look at @AstroChuck response again, it doesn’t elaborate as to why he finds this is such of low quality – you elaborate but he doesn’t which means it can be interpreted differently by different people and many people might have interpreted it as him sharing their disgust about menstruation…his following comment about this being in poor taste doesn’t at all clarify his position and if he wanted to defend his views against the allegations, he would have done so.
@Facade Perhaps you’re fortunate enough to have never beeen in a relationship that revolved around sex. You’ve never encountered a couple whose entire relationship broke down because of a short period without sex? If it’s only about the sex then it’s not a real relationship, but many people don’t realize this is happening to them.
Physical intimacy is vital to a relationship, but it’s not the only thing. If you and your partner can pass the test of being together when there’s no sex, then your relationship is strong and real. Unfortunately for me, I had a girlfriend who I thought was a good match for me, until we stopped having sex for some reason or other and I realized I wasn’t interested anymore. I’ve taken that lesson to heart; sex is great, but I need to enjoy my lady’s company for everything else as well.
I’m not saying my opinion is the correct one or the only one; my personal experiences have led me to the above conclusions.
@drdoombot Yes, it is important to maintain a relationship without constant sexual activity. It sounds like you’re making an excuse for shunning you SO during her period, which is pathetic. Why not pick another time to be without sex? It would make your argument better.
@Facade On the contrary: all I’m saying is that it is an opportunity to strengthen the rest of your relationship. You should spend MORE time with your SO during her period, but do stuff other than sex.
@drdoombot Right, but that fact that you wouldn’t have sex because of your “issues” is pathetic.
“Do you enjoy your girl’s period blood?”
That question makes me think of what ya bringing to the office for snack day.
@drdoombot I find your view to be quite ridiculous as well. I know everyone has their preference, but you make it seem that people who do have sex while a woman is on her period are somehow just all about sex..which is certainly not the case. It just doesn’t bother me or my partner…as a lot of posters have said in this thread. My relationship certainly doesn’t revolve around sex just because we don’t withhold from it when I get my period..that is just a silly conclusion on your part.
And I find it hysterical how you “accidentally” had sex with a woman on her period. We always know when we’re bleeding…she probably did it to bug you. I would have too. :P lol
@HTDC – It’s one of the mysteries of Fluther. I will never understand why some answers get so many GAs when there are much higher quality answers around it that basically get no lurve. My theory is jellies like being amused much more than they like being informed.
i love to smear it all over myself and consume it through my nostrils and mouth
I’m going to throw my experience of years behind what @nikipedia wrote, ”...we live in a society where it’s still appropriate to find menstruation disgusting because it doesn’t happen to men”. If it did happen to men then there wouldn’t be any talk of going without sex for a week until he’s all clear liquid spewing and regular ammonia smelling and tongue numbing pond water tasting, oh no. Instead, there would be fetish videos on youporn.com, how-to blogs on http://www.goaskalice.columbia.edu/, men feeling neglected, unattractive and self conscious with their partners and trying all kinds of silliness to make the period go away faster, not have any smells, showering alone, wearing ugly underwear, pretending they don’t feel desire during that time, etc.
@HTDC Your prudish disapproval that didn’t really need to be voiced on that question was not deserving of accolades. You didn’t get GAs because you didn’t deserve GAs. Yet look how many @pdworkin got for telling you the same thing that I am now, that if that’s your comment then NSFW questions aren’t for you. Looks like people agreed with him. @AstroChuck has been here long enough to actually know something about fluther and its questions and has earned the right to comment.
Anyone can comment at any time. Popularity doesn’t make someone have more right than another. And by your reasoning, you need to step-off since I have been here longer than you.
Did I mention that I have a wee crush on @tinyfaery?
@tinyfaery Complaining about the way the site works when being here a very short amount of time is tacky. Posting complaints on all NSFW questions is the same.
I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.
I wasn’t even aware this was possible… i think i may cry…. and those are definitly not tears of joy… D:
I’m normally pretty sore the first few days, so that doesn’t sound very pleasant. I also don’t want to deal with the mess when I am bleeding heavily. After the first few days, I don’t see any reason to avoid it. I don’t think either of us should be punished just because I am experiencing a natural phase.
I understand, I wouldn’t want to perform oral during someones period, but don’t use a lady’s period as an excuse to get head the entire week. Just a thought: If I’m expected to give oral without reciprocation for seven days, he should also spend seven days giving me oral without reciprocation, if fair were fair. Anyways men should have respect- she has cramps, back pain, emotions are higher- I’m just saying give her a back massage before you ask her to go down on you, knowing full well you’re not planning on doing the same!
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