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NSFW: Those attracted to women: Do you enjoy your girl's period blood?
As opinions on this topic seem to vary greatly, I’m interested in discussing sexual perspectives regarding menstrual blood. Among my colleagues, some will indulge in both vaginal and oral sex during their girl’s menstrual cycle, others abstain from oral only, and still others do not partake in any vaginal sex acts during a girlfriend’s menstruation. I enjoy experiencing my girlfriend’s period in every way I can, especially in going down on her. I find this, along with the sex that follows, to be very hot and fulfilling for a number of reasons.
How do you feel about your girlfriend’s period blood? In which vaginal sex acts do you partake while she is bleeding? Do you participate because you do not mind the blood, or do you specifically enjoy it? What do you find attractive/unattractive about your girl’s period and why?
Girls, too, feel free to respond with your own perspectives toward sexual acts during your period.
[24, male]
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